No Instructions Needed

Snow White and the 3 Stooges

Side Spritzers

Ever feel like you're laughing so hard that your stomach might just give way? Well, that's exactly what happened to Chaps on his latest trip to Nashville. His humorous tales of excessive drinking and struggling to adjust his alcohol tolerance post-weight loss will have you clutching your sides in laughter.

Who said remakes can't ruffle a few feathers? As we navigate the controversial waters surrounding a forthcoming Disney remake, we question if the essence of the original can be upheld when beloved characters are recast. From the surprising casting history of 'Back to the Future' to debating the most memorable movie recastings, we dissect the concept of reviving classics in a whole new light. 

Then, the Big O bring up pop icon Britney Spears and her transformative moments in pop culture. Was she the hottest among her peers? Does the music video of 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' still hold its ground? We then take a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the Big D brings up Chaps  mistaken identity as Mac Miller and our thoughts on recasting iconic movie characters. So, buckle up for an episode brimming with laughter, nostalgia, and provocative pop culture debates!

Speaker 1:

No instructions needed. I don't really feel like Shoot the poop Like your wiener.

Speaker 3:

Let me just get that right in the old camera shot. That's my thought.

Speaker 1:

I'm sipping on some red wine. Primary use for Bitcoin is to get more money.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man the Cougar, yeah, I'm into that. Hello, this fucking bomb. Hardly like. I cannot start this at ease. I cannot risk it. That's how I go to the bathroom and I'm just like this is exactly how there's work running here. Whatever it is, oh god, what it do, baby.

Speaker 1:

What is up? All of you no instructions needed, Listers that have been dwindling and dwindling and dwindling and dwindling the last little bit. Yes, we are terrible at coding. We are terrible at doing absolutely everything with the podcast, so we're just gonna start running it back consistently here, I think. Anyways, welcome to the show. Let's go Big O, how you live it.

Speaker 3:

I'm doing good, man. I feel the summer is coming to an end. We don't have as many trips, as many drunken nights of debauchery, which I'm sure we're gonna get into, because one of us put up a highlight reel of excellence over the last little bit and we're gonna get into that. Things on the East Coast good, getting ready for school, but the kitties summertime is coming to an end. Let's talk to the man who has no proven children, but it does not mean they do not exist somewhere. The man who, while I watched the intro, just remembered how beautiful those locks were.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

O how you live it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, good man, I missed the flow. I got a haircut today. Actually, I got my buddy Steven's wedding come up this week and I just got one two weeks ago, so I just got to clean up. I'm looking fresh suits at the dry cleaners, but I digress. Everything's going pretty good. I got a bit drunky too on Friday, which was unexpected, and I got a big weekend coming up For you to say, julian, that this is dwindling down. I got some stuff coming down the pipe for September. I don't know why. That's cool. Yeah, I'm in that. Life is good. I'm going to give a quick shout out, a quick Dean shout out, to my boy, michael, who's a listener. He's not one of the dwindling numbers. I don't get those emails, by the way, anymore that show the listeners. They're pressing right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, download, download, download, if you're listening.

Speaker 2:

We need downloads, not just streams, everybody. So shout out Michael, I love you, brother, and I'm going to kick it to you. Chaps, Give us a rundown of Nashville 10IC, because you're the only 10IC.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, and.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I just sent a whole bunch of pictures to the group chat of the debauchery why?

Speaker 2:

would you distract?

Speaker 1:

us, because that way you can like go through the pictures like, oh, how drunk were you here, how drunk were you there. So first night was just, it was just a crazy night, like I guess there's a lot of stuff I can't get into. Unfortunately, I could probably only talk about Friday, saturday with the wife, because a lot of this was like client dinners and stuff that really just got out of hand. But Nashville is the single best place in the history of places. If you've never been to Nashville, you really need to get going there. We went down there for a conference. The conference was hugely, I think, very successful for our company, so that's going to be awesome. We just launched a whole other company officially today not officially in the public's eye today. So yeah, it's been quite the process.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, boys, I puked in the Nashville airport. I puked in the hotel lobby bathroom before we got in the Uber. I puked in the bathroom. This is all in the morning after the last night and I puked all night on Saturday night, sunday morning I guess. So yeah, that was one night. It was. I have never. Ok, I don't know what's going on with my body. I think it's because I've lost all this weight Like I'm at like 35 pounds or something like that. Now, truthfully, I think I just need to learn how to drink again Like chaps can't have 15 to 20 drinks anymore at night, like that's just not an obtainable figure anymore. We ought to tone that down to like seven or eight.

Speaker 2:

So that'll barely can absorb as much as it used to.

Speaker 3:

No straight out any end that it can find out.

Speaker 1:

And like look at my eyes. Like you can barely like, they are so fucked.

Speaker 3:

All right. So I want to comment on the photos that you sent, because if, if I've ever seen photos represent someone's trip, these are them. They're nine out of 12 or fucking blurrier shit, and the other ones just look like you had a great time. So I mean, if we didn't hear what was going on and you just sent these on like a Monday morning, being like hey, boys, this was my weekend, I would have been like damn, like chaps. Chaps was in the hangover for the reboot, I see.

Speaker 2:

I see you spent some time with our new pal Paul. Yes, I did Good, good guy, Good guy.

Speaker 1:

Paul is all sorts of trouble and so is his wife, aaron, and just getting losered, like and I don't know how, even how drunk they were, like maybe it was just me, but for some reason I got sloppy. I don't get sloppy that often Like I like sometimes you can't even tell if I'm drunk. I was sloppy, sloppy, drunk and it was a good time. I just love the scene. Nashville is such a good town. You just there's like 400 bars on one street and they all have live music and they all take visa. So it's just amazing.

Speaker 1:

I mean like there's just so much to do.

Speaker 3:

It was it was David Tabata.

Speaker 2:

Have some more shalopy Joe's. That's you, I mean, I was, I was.

Speaker 1:

I was also set and like wait, like I was working out because I was still work out in the morning time and stuff I was setting like my, my, my personal best on like bench press and fucking all this other shit. So it was a highly successful trip for myself. And now the two 25 we made it boys and I was able to get absolutely shit-faced. All it was was not eating for about 37 hours straight. That got me there in the end. But there you go. The trip was nuts and we should do a trip to Nashville, which probably all moved there.

Speaker 3:

I've heard great things about Nashville. A lot of people, like celebrities, are buying property up in Nashville as, like you know, their second or third homes. So yeah, I mean, Nashville seemed like a fucking great time. Not as good of a time as obviously Dean is about to have at the wedding. But before we get into Dean's amazing time, I have to say Dean and this is pains, pains, pains me to say I think I think I'm suffering a Marvel and Disney. I think it's finally set in. I think I've been living in, you know, denial for the last little bit. I'll be honest. I haven't watched a single episode of secret invasion. I've watched one half an hour of the first episode of the, you know, third season of Mandalorian. I just I don't have it in me right now. I find myself rewatching things like entourage and I I'm sure you have seen entourage, at least portions of it. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and the more I see shows like that, it makes me, it makes me hate where we're going with TV and movies now, and we're going to get into snow white a little bit with chaps returns from blowing out his butthole right now, but I miss characters like Ari Gold. As bad as it may sound and as cliche as he might have been, he honestly is like, if you would ask me top five characters from any TV show that I've like ever seen, it's gonna be give me Ari Gold, give me Michael Scott, give me Lucas Scott, give me Don Draper and Give me give me Tyrion Lannister. Like those are five. I feel like those are. Those are five solid ones. All sort of like different genres, different times, but where we're going now with some of the stuff that we're seeing, it's really depressing me. What like?

Speaker 3:

Obviously, I know you're a little bit of Marvel fatigue. I'm assuming you haven't watched an episode or a minute of secret invasion. I watch it all. Okay, never mind Marvel fatigue, not step setting in what. What do you think, though, like the state of where we are with with comic books? Are we have we hit a?

Speaker 2:

wall, I think so. Yeah, I watched the flash on Saturday. I was bit hungover, it was my day to watch a film, which isn't that much it from any other day, however, I'm gonna flash and I was just like, okay, whatever, like it was fine. I guess there were some sick cameos, there's some sick cameos, but other than that, I was like okay, like say old shit, how to save the world? Like Japs says, he's not always wrong, he's not always wrong about shit. So, yeah, I don't know man, it's just kind of like. Like actually, I heard the blue beetles good, I might go see that in theaters, I might go see that. However, I don't even know when the next Marvel movies coming out like is low key, coming out first is that Low key comes up first, and then the Marvel's.

Speaker 3:

The Marvel's just dropped, like their first, like official trailer for TV. So that's, that's happening.

Speaker 2:

That's a thing I'm assuming with the writer strike. They might try to stretch it out a little bit and and it might be just a natural break between all these motion pictures. But yeah, man, I don't know like I just be stoked on it like I, five years ago I would have seen flash in the theaters first week, no problem, I would have gotten the boys together, I would have said, let's go and Saw that motion picture. And now I'm just like, whatever I'll see when it comes out on, on, like the streamers and whatnot. Right, it's like same thing with spider-man into the spider-verse 2 or whatever it's called like now, the first one was excellent, I don't really like, but I need to see in the theaters. I'll just wait and thought like I'm not trying to save money or anything like that, it's just like.

Speaker 2:

I Don't know, man, like Oppenheimer, sure I'll see that in theaters. You gotta, when they explode the a bomb, we know like, oh, like it shakes you to your core, man. But yeah, I don't need to see everything in theaters anymore. It's just I Don't like them as much anymore. Maybe that's because I'm getting old I turned 36 last week. So yeah, that's my take. I'm with you. I'll still watch it if it's on, I mean.

Speaker 3:

You're just not rushing to it the same way that we would be like Ready to dive in balls deep on on the, the new movie, the new episode. Maybe Loki turns it around. I'm optimistic for that one. But the reason I bring this up, chaps, while you check your temperature and make sure that you are Alive, hoping yourself hit a hundred, just hit a hundred boys yeah.

Speaker 2:

My visual. I might be a shot one today, yeah yeah, he's not.

Speaker 3:

I Am so annoyed with the lady, girl woman, whatever the fuck you want to call her who got casted as the new Snow White. She has been critical of the of the movie in the story for years, so that the casting this question will, to begin with, and then even now, like she's doing interviews and she's talking about, oh you know what? We don't need a love story, we don't need a prince. You mean talking shit about the prince, talking shit about like the dwarfs, trying to say that, like she's an independent woman, like can we just, can we fuck off? And I don't say this often because, like I Don't know, I have girls and I'm, you know all about them having an identity and having a voice.

Speaker 3:

But like, at what point is enough? Enough? Because this shit is not entertaining. I don't think it's educational, I think this is more of someone just using a platform to say whatever they want to say and they'll be protected, based on the climate of the world. But like, do we all agree that this is just complete fucking nonsense, unnecessary? And I hope Hope, and I don't like when people lose their jobs. I hope she gets fired, I really do.

Speaker 2:

That's that you're. That's the girl from from West Side Story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think what she's doing is wonderful for the world, and I think that's the way we should all represent everything that we ever talk.

Speaker 3:

Fuck yourself, chaps.

Speaker 1:

She is the worst. I just don't get it Like why do you have to take everything so fucking literally now like shut the fuck up or don't take the part? How the fuck does that sound Like just shut up?

Speaker 2:

The story has been established that if you want to remake it, what is the good that's gonna come out of? Like really moving away from the source material? It's like the story is like a hundred and some years old, isn't it like?

Speaker 3:

see her ever Disney movie that was made. It was the first animated motion picture made.

Speaker 1:

Nominated for best picture. I'm fairly confident as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was the first Disney movie to have a full length soundtrack as well. Like it's fucking iconic. And you tell me if they put a fucking witch in this movie, if they put a witch in this movie and they're gonna say okay, well, richard witches are real and we can't have a story about a goddamn you know a guy prince love story, then you can just fuck right off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't see the point, man, it's, it's a remake. You gotta know what you're getting yourself into. Everyone knows the story. There's, there are little people, there is a princess, there's a prince, there's an evil witch, like, come on now and have any more kind of like based off that, apart from the little people, or Dwarves, if you will, as they say it. But yeah, yeah, it's as some say it. I don't know if they use that word anymore, so that's why I was paraphrasing to have something for your mic. Um, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was annoying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hold still, but yeah, you throw me up back to you, fired up.

Speaker 3:

Well, here's the thing if we're, if we're really gonna be about, you know, women, empowerment, and we don't need a fucking prince, we don't need love store, we don't need all of these things. If we're gonna go that realistic, why are we not casting Worms in this movie to play their role? Because what we can't do now is have like One ethnicity play another ethnicity without it being a complete fucking disaster, but we can Empower only portions of it. Like it doesn't make any. Give me, fucking.

Speaker 3:

Peter Dinklage is grumpy. Give me, give me, give me him as whomever like. If we're gonna say we're gonna liberate a specific group of people, why not? Why don't we just do that across the board? Like this is to me ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous, and I hate that. She's just basically slander and company. I truly don't know how Apple or not apples are, disney can people for making you know, silly comments that maybe are taken out of context and and making an example out of them. But you're gonna let someone slander arguably the greatest intellectual property story, the originator, the thing that got you on the map, and you're just gonna let her take a giant shit on it and then you're gonna advertise this movie. It just it makes no fucking sense to me whatsoever. It makes me very, very angry and, like I said, if she was recast it I would not fucking lose the sleep and inch of sleep. I truly would not. It's, it's very frustrating.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of recast it, I Learned a fact that I did not know from the movie the flash kind of. Did you know that Michael J Fox was it cast as Marty McFly for like the first month of production?

Speaker 1:

I didn't know that. Yeah, they filmed like a lot of the movie with the other guy. They had to refilm a bunch of shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah it was. It was interesting he wasn't the first choice, but then the issue that they had was a he had like zero chemistry With, or one of the issues was that he had like zero chemistry. He just wasn't like. It was a very different take on the role and there was a reason that that Michael J Fox he was doing something became available and then was put into the role.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they said like he would work like 14 hour days filming the show he was on, I think family ties. I want to say it was yes and then. And then he'd go he'd work that in the morning and then he'd go to the other lot at night and film back to the future. So yeah, I didn't know that for the first month. Apparently the guy was like a method actor because he was in that movie. He was in a movie before where he was like kind of he played a character, that kind of like a disfigured face but was like super smart or something like that, and so like he had it, was like a drama and he got really into the role and was like method acting. And then like you saw him people will call a Marty on set and didn't have any chemistry and like they needed someone with comedy chops and he just did not have it. Scott something, scott, something, I don't know. But yeah, fun fact of the day first month first month they reached out dog Mike check.

Speaker 3:

No, you're all over the place, but it does.

Speaker 1:

I love our stand. Yeah, I think you're on your headphones. I am on my headphones now. Yes, it sounds like shit. Clearly, this, this has been. This is the best encapsulation of where I am the world right now. I'm going back on mute.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I mean it's it's. It's interesting that we almost didn't have Marty McFly, the what the character that we know and love with Michael J Fox. Obviously it was the right choice and it brings an interesting take on that recast. What do you think are like the top, what would be your like most memorable recasts of a character in a movie, because most people won't know that Michael J Fox was recast, was the recast an actor? But there are some obvious ones that we know and love and some of our, you know, favorite kind of movies. Which one stands out to you as some of like the best recasts of a character?

Speaker 2:

Mike, check on Cheetah war machine classic.

Speaker 1:

Mike check. Yeah, you're good buddy, yeah, you're okay, perfect, chris Farley, he was Shrek filmed the whole movie, completely redone with Mike Myers.

Speaker 3:

Did not know that?

Speaker 2:

yeah, that's true.

Speaker 1:

That's facts, shrek actually looked significantly different to you. Looked more like Chris Farley. It actually looked a lot worse, but, but yeah, the whole movie was done with Chris Farley interesting for me.

Speaker 3:

I love me the swap of Maggie Gyllenhaal for Kenny oh yes, that's a good one that was. That was a very, Very, very interesting one.

Speaker 2:

What else is there? I'm trying to, I'm trying to wrap my head. Oh, they recast Rocky and the three ninjas between one and two and then I think but I think what happened was in that so I think they filmed like two movies back to back, but the second movie they released, like they were sitting on the set, are like the one they filmed back to back, so like one and two had a different Rocky and then like number three had the Rocky from the first movie because they were like sitting on it.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck you trust him oh yeah, they just never released it.

Speaker 2:

Three ninjas dog, never he loves Emily, emily Never even watched or seen three ninjas before, never no one was like knuckle up.

Speaker 3:

It was Pat marita oh yeah, fucking mr Miyagi, let's go, can we three we get some love for mr Miyagi?

Speaker 2:

Rocky Colton, tum, tum oh.

Speaker 3:

Tom Tom was my favorite. Tom Tom was chaps, he was chaps. So Another another one that I liked, and so the character. The guy's name was Eric Stoltz. He's the guy who and Honestly, one of the greatest ones. There are some subtle ones of Actors. One of my favorite ones was Laurie Petty. See, she was in a league of their own on, most famously now in oranges and new black. But initially it was Lenina Huxley who was in the movie demolition man. If you haven't seen demolition man, john Claude van Damme and the great Dennis Rodman, that was a that was a solid recast for me. Like that one. They shot like almost half the movie and then they had to basically reshoot just the those scenes to make it work. I Like that one. That was those, those people a little under the radar, yeah, a little under the radar, one Sweet, I can't think of any other ones.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's like Batman count, like Christian Bale, like moving to.

Speaker 2:

From now that would be more like a Val Kilmer, I think yeah yeah, val Kilmer, yeah I.

Speaker 3:

Mean those ones are good. I mean they can't recast up the voice of finding Nemo as well. That was. That was another one, nemo, yeah. So initially it was William H Macy and Then yeah, yeah. So almost all of the, all of the lines were pretty much like Filmed, and then Albert Brooks took over and it was because he gave it like a softer touch. I guess William H Macy was a little bit more harsh. By the way, one of my favorite William H Macy movies, mystery men solid flick. I Don't know if you guys have seen that one.

Speaker 1:

Is that the super knockoff?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's like the Ben Stiller Ben Stiller one, yeah, fan solid. So very good. Yeah, it's pretty good, pretty good, good. Last one for me. So obviously we know the great movie, the Truman Show, and Ed Harris plays like the director in it, and so they ended up replacing him with Dennis Hopper, famously known for speed or as King Koopa from the live action Super Mario Bros.

Speaker 2:

No, dennis Hopper, I watched speed like a week ago, bro, it's so good.

Speaker 3:

So I get so good, so good speed rules.

Speaker 2:

I watched speed two as well, not as good.

Speaker 3:

Oh god. So what's his name? Patrick, no, jason, patrick, jason, patrick. The reason I got stuck in my head is like I was telling Dean before I rewatched entourage and Jason Patrick is obviously in like season six of entourage and there's like this funny joke about how he was offered Aquaman to and he's like, oh, you know me, can't do movies on like water, and it's funny because it's like the reference to him do you do so? Love, love that one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, sandy B's got it going on in both those films, so I ain't complaining, I'm.

Speaker 3:

Sandy B's a bad be.

Speaker 1:

And she's some shit right now for no reason. No, no, she's not in shit no, okay, so I.

Speaker 2:

Last Transition.

Speaker 3:

So I had. I had this on my list of things to talk about and we got sidetracked and we didn't get to talk about it. But this whole Michael or situation is a fucking nightmare, and People who are going after Sandra B saying that she should give back her Oscar should go get fucked. I Don't know, I'm wearing so much today, but like I'm, you're right mood.

Speaker 3:

You're absolutely right. It's so dumb because it's not as if I could understand that. If all of this was knowledge while the movie was being filmed and they were like taking advantage of something, then that is one thing. But they operated under the guise of like understanding, based on what the story was, and she played a character. She acted.

Speaker 3:

If we're gonna go down this road, then anybody who's ever played like Mussolini or Hitler or any evil person in the history of time, like John Wayne, who played gang of scum way, way back in the day, that we need to break those people over the coals. We need to make sure that those people get crucified. And if we're not gonna do that which we shouldn't and we really like never should go down that road then we need to lay off Sandra B. She played a character in a movie. She's an act. She did it nicely, she did it fucking great and she was kind of scummy because the whole situation seemed kind of scummy, but like, at the end of the day, she played a character. There is no way she should give back anything. Apologize for playing a character, say that the blind side was the wrong movie to make is at the time it absolutely was a feel-good story. It is unfortunate how it fucking turned out, but like, come on people, like we're getting soft like baby shit again.

Speaker 1:

I mean, how did he know though like I find that really hard Pressed, like that's some, he's really smart like how did he not know he was getting ripped off for the past 15 years and yes, sandra Bullock should not give back anything, also hot, take that movie kind of sucks died.

Speaker 3:

Never got through it in one single watch.

Speaker 2:

Hot, take that movie.

Speaker 1:

Kind of sucks it does classic daps.

Speaker 3:

Hot take. He was like a decent football player, but he wasn't a world breaker either.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he won a Super Bowl. He was drafted in the first round but he wasn't like a. He was. He was like a you know, a good seven-year player.

Speaker 3:

I think it was all pro, maybe once they made thirty five million dollars in his biggest contract, but the only reason he would be well known moving forward is because he was. The movie was about him, absolutely. If his otherwise he's just an average Joe and you're gonna know more guys like Taylor Luan and all these other. You know football guys.

Speaker 3:

You know something that you're sure Joe Smith Nate soldier, I mean, that guy was like seven foot Frankenstein who had like cancer and so like you're gonna know way different stories, but like Michael or became a big thing because of the story of the movie. To talk to your point, chaps, how did he not know? So from everything I've read and I've actually I've read a bunch of fucking articles on this the way it was explained to him was that the conservatorship which is the same thing that Britney Spears, by the way, who looks like you should have been stayed on, yeah.

Speaker 3:

We'll transition to that one. Next. The conservatorship was is was explained to him that it was basically the same thing, but he couldn't be adopted because he was over the age of 18. So that's how it was explained to him. Obviously, we know now that to be Kind of true, but also Allowed him to be exploited for things, do I think that he should be compensated for Some of the movie stuff 100%? Does he deserve all of it? No, I mean, I don't know how you're gonna sue for fucking damages and a heartache and all this stuff and claim that you've, you know, been ripped off. You made thirty five million dollars as a football player and maybe like a third of that was because of your star being in this movie, so you did benefit some point. It's unfortunate situation, but like Shit happens, yeah, it sucks.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he got fucked for sure. The Britney Spears thing. People need to think before they react to some of this shit, because Just because you walk to watch the documentary on fucking Netflix or Hulu, you think you're fucking goddamn Whatever that lawyers name was that Julia Roberts played in that movie. Aaron Brockovich, like you guys, are a bunch of dumb motherfuckers out there. Man. She has a so many issues and, yes, they were making money off the conservative ship. That's what fucking happens. Is it bullshit? Absolutely. Look at her fucking life now. She's a fucking mess.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, that is a fucking hot take and that could get us, or me specifically, in a lot of shit. But it's the fucking truth and all you people know it that are sitting there right now. You all know I'm right. Just because you don't want fucking say it and Michael are again very smart, very articulate. I he knows what he's talking about. So, like it does feel like he got taken advantage of, like it really really does. I don't think these people have the right intentions in on him. It also it just weird me out how long it took for him to figure this out and I'm not quite Understanding of that. That family did have lots of money, so he probably just thought it was a normal thing for them to always be in the cash flow situation a good one. So that could have been that, but either way, I hope he gets like 20 million dollars from these people. Truthfully, I think that that would be the best situation For everybody over this. So there's my hot take, boys. We just got canceled Congratulations.

Speaker 3:

We're just shit. No, no, white, and fucking Sandra Bullock's character.

Speaker 2:

No, the Britney Spears. Like every time I check out her Instagram, it's like it's it's so cringe and so like uncomfortable and it's just like I have watching for like two seconds and then I'm like I can't do it, like yeah, it's just that's all I'll say on the matter. Like I can't do it. It's just like her dancing Weirdly yeah, yeah, the chaps is doing it on screen right now. It's just like it's so uncomfortable and so like cringe and I don't understand what the goal of it is. But hey, teach their own. I guess that's all I have to say in the matter. I won't go as far as chaps here. I'll take the heat on this one.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna. We're gonna dive into Brittany, just a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

Little bit deeper. What are pinkie on my butt?

Speaker 3:

What are the top five Britney Spears Moments of her career that that stand out to you? Okay, donna kiss. Okay, madonna kisses.

Speaker 2:

Great one, okay, I'm gonna go like matching Jean.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, dean. I'm gonna go beaver shot Because that was a big thing when that happened. When, when the beaver came out getting out of the car and there was like oh yeah, the bald kitty. Both, both top and bottom, were bald at one point and I don't know if they were together, but she's Christ had removed all hair from the body, like Michael Phelps going for to a swim meet.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say I'm leaving the bathroom with bare feet in the gas station sloppy that's.

Speaker 3:

That's rough. We need one more chaps. Take us home I.

Speaker 1:

Just think the music video the day Hit me baby. One more time like that, that music video or oops, whatever the one was where she was a schoolgirl, that that's hit me baby that specific video was the game changer and it became everyone didn't know it at the time, but all you fucking you know 37 year old, 30 year old, 25 year old men that were wanking their fucking jelly bean to that. You got some issues, man, serious fucking issues they should check into.

Speaker 3:

I Don't know if that one got as much wank time and a sponsorship with Kleenex as much as slave for you did, Because yeah that was. I was like that that's good, that's when she Transitioned from. We were too young, though.

Speaker 1:

We were too young to hear about the oops baby. I did again like we were too young to hear about that. The men, our Age, that would be our age now, just like oh yeah, she's so sexy, she's like dad 17 or whatever the fuck right like that's fucked up man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like our, our job, our age is fine because she's like in our realm. But it's the dads and the creepy uncles of the barbecue that thought looked at Brittany in a very Um, provocative kind of manner that need to get some help, as Chaps says, nashville's.

Speaker 2:

She's older than me, so I'm good to go.

Speaker 3:

There you go see, so work everything.

Speaker 2:

Everything was done in good taste by Dean.

Speaker 3:

Okay, another okay. Who was hotter at the time of our childhood? Brittany Spears, christina Aguilera.

Speaker 1:

Christina Aguilera zero nine.

Speaker 2:

Are we? What are we talking here? We're talking what era. All right, hold on. Okay, we're gonna go, we're talking.

Speaker 3:

Are we talking dirty? Okay, here we go.

Speaker 1:

We're talking dirty.

Speaker 3:

Britney Spears, christina Aguilera, jessica Simpson, terra Reed.

Speaker 2:

Oh, omg, shannon.

Speaker 3:

Elizabeth, and then give me Shannon. Elizabeth. I was thinking like Nadia from American Pie. Obviously, obviously, some came a little bit later in life, but think of them at their peak. Who was the creme de la creme?

Speaker 1:

Talking like Daisy Dukes, jessica Simpson, here. Is that what we're talking about?

Speaker 2:

These boots are made for walk-in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's just what they'll do.

Speaker 3:

Definitely not chicken in a can.

Speaker 2:

We're definitely not talking about chicken in a can, jessica.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh, that's a tough one. It's a good one. I was a big Terra Reed guy. I'm going to go Terra Reed.

Speaker 3:

Chapsie Chapsie's having a hard time with mine right now.

Speaker 1:

It is such a tough one, I think because, like Britney Spears is not even on the list, but Christina Aguilera dirty Like that's not like, but also the Jessica Simpson music video, for boots are made for walk-ins. That's a tough, terra Reed, what I was a big fan of because of National Lampoon's Ben Wilder oh man, that is an incredibly, that's an incredible tough one. I think I'm going to have to go with my girl, christina. Just good, that video, man, it's just.

Speaker 3:

It still gets me, that's a good one and also shared in a Madonna kiss, did she not? Yeah, people forget that. Yeah, it was like bam bam. Like Madonna shut up. Madonna Bam. That was a dude. Like if that was the dude from the Spanish football Federation for the World Cup. That guy is losing his job for 90 days.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's in some shit His mom's on a hunger strike in a church as we speak until he gets his job back. Shut up, mom's going on hunger strikes to get their perverted son's jobs back. Give me, give me Shannon, elizabeth, give me Nadia, give me something about her taking Jason Big's hand and simply saying I believe the term is shaved and that, just like set, set it off. That's the warm Apple pie. Like taking over and starting, like we're talking about, like starting genres of, like naughty things.

Speaker 1:

Britney Spears is getting.

Speaker 3:

Britney Spears is getting into the school girl situation. Shannon, Elizabeth, turn the tables for all of the like foreign exchange students and being like they don't all have to be, you know, looking like the girl from dodgeball I don't remember her character's name, but everyone I'm sure can remember the Unibrow and just embrace this beautiful, beautiful woman as Nadia and give me Nadia. She ain't Elizabeth, she was also in Jane's side of Bobstrike back. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Boo boo kitty F boo, boo, kitty fuck, yep, yeah, yeah, the power of the pussy, let's go. Great film also, by the way. So yeah, listen, that was. That was an interesting stroll down memory lane, and I'm sure there might be some people who are telling us we're forgetting about someone, but shout out, the young ladies who helped us through our childhood.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wouldn't even know who, like Olivia Rodrigo, is that one?

Speaker 3:

I feel like she's too young. I can't, I can't like get into.

Speaker 2:

I know, but like if you get around a no, she's too old, she's too old, she's like late 20s.

Speaker 3:

Um Sydney, sweetie, I've heard the name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think she's older too, though she is like all these girls were like in their teens let's die. So the fact that we don't know right now fellas, is good. That we don't know that's, that's a good thing.

Speaker 1:

We got heads on our shoulders, boys. We got fucking heads on our shoulders. That's it, let's give yourself a round of applause.

Speaker 3:

But what about the day Like is she borderline? Is she like borderline?

Speaker 2:

25, man yeah like I'm pretty sure like how old's in there yeah because, like you've got to be mid 20s.

Speaker 3:

That might be like the youngest star. I know that has some sort of like his sex appeal yeah, ok, I'm not a pervert, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Do a leap on, pretty sure is in the same spot. Do a leap, she's 28. Oh, let's go. That's in my range.

Speaker 3:

It's like the seven years that's, we're good under a decade.

Speaker 2:

We're on a grand day, 30.

Speaker 1:

Oh she'll boys.

Speaker 1:

Fun fact Nashville just came back in my memory Now that we're talking about Harry. On the grand day I was at the bar and Dean is going to find this hilarious. I think I was at the bar hanging out with the other lovely couple and I seen this. This couple in Tutsi's, which is a bar like that, was right beside the one we were in and the balconies kind of touch and they're staring at me like full blown fucking staring at me and I'm like kind of getting creeped out about it. I put my arm around my wife and like hey, honey, can you just like turn around Just slowly, don't fucking give it away? And just are these fucking people staring? So Brian turns around slowly and she turns back. She's like they're walking towards us.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, oh, every situation's running through my head at this point, right, I go up to the guy and the guy comes up. He's like come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come here, come up. He's just like dude, thought I seen a ghost tonight. I was like what he's like? I thought you were fucking Mac Miller man. I thought you were fucking Mac Miller coming back from the dead, like no, he's still dead man.

Speaker 3:

Some Mac Miller bars. That way you can just really freak people out. Oh, I dropped.

Speaker 1:

Mac Miller bars to him 100% little blue slide, but blue slide part. So I and Donald Trump, this bitch just call.

Speaker 2:

Donald Trump is fucking great when I'm gonna song of all time so good when Donald Trump came out like and he was introduced to mainstream media like they're like hey, hey, chas, this guy looks like he's like. I know there wasn't even like any kind of like objections. It's like yeah, I know, it's my man, kevin Blar.

Speaker 1:

Mac Miller, a little Yannis Valench, tunis in there too. Those are the three I get most of the fucking time a lot of Kevin Plarr, though. It was Mac Miller when I was younger and then, once I got older, it turned into Kevin Plarr, but I've signed autographs for Kevin Plarr. Legitimately. I have signed autographs as Kevin Plarr. I've had old lady come up to me in a grocery store once and say, hey, aren't you supposed to be in Toronto right now, like the game is in three hours? Legitimately concerned that I'm in fucking Kamloops and the Blue Jays are playing in three hours in fucking Toronto. I had that Mac Miller a while and felt pretty good. I'm like, oh, I've lost some weight. Okay, I see where we're going, ariana.

Speaker 1:

Arianna, she's single, she's single right now I'm not, though that's a little bit of a problem.

Speaker 2:

I'd have to get the hall past about speaking of your lovely wife Brianne, she sent me a nice little birthday video from from Luna and from Peyton and that was very nice. I very much appreciated it. Yeah, and I was like a text from Brianne, oh Is it time new laundry. I think Clinton like it, he'll never see it. It was actually your children, so that was about the extent of it. But very thoughtful, very thoughtful, your, your wife, is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just talked to the girls and I said it's uncle Dean's birthday today and they're like mr Roadocker, and then they hung up the phone and they sent you that message and they called me back. That's literally how all that fucking happened. So they love you.

Speaker 2:

They absolutely love you who does, who doesn't, who doesn't, except for women?

Speaker 1:

Well, I know my wife's sending you a fucking lingerie pics.

Speaker 2:

I think one of them, at least, fucking likes you that that never happened.

Speaker 3:

But you know, if it's fun, that is just Whoo Shadow of Bree always, always slip into the podcast somehow, somewhere.

Speaker 1:

This week.

Speaker 3:

I need to talk about Mrs.

Speaker 2:

Ortiz a bit more.

Speaker 3:

Let's stay on chapters. This lady, I feel like.

Speaker 1:

I am this the like. This one night in Nashville I got ripped on the whole night by this one guy in the group who will remain nameless. He ripped on me for a whole fucking night, four hour straight, non-stop. It's like I got, and if this was old, clint Would have been an issue 1000% it would have been a big fucking issue. But since I'm a mature adult now and I'm like I could probably bounce you around like a basketball pretty fucking easily, I'm just gonna leave you alone. You keep ripped on me and I threw in some jabs every now and then and laughed it all off and all that stuff. But yeah, I was. You know, it's for promise. So so often do I get ripped on for a couple hours and not hit somebody in the face? Yeah. What about when I do it? Yeah, but I love you. It's completely different.

Speaker 3:

I did, I did tell you that that.

Speaker 1:

I did tell you to check yourself at recent batch, the part that we're at when you let a fucking story Rip, that was like we made it almost through the whole fucking thing and you didn't have to fucking say that oh, that was hilarious, so that got a lot of laughs if we're talking.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, that really. That really the good books of the fellas, you know.

Speaker 1:

Not for me, not for me. I was made fun of that whole fucking weekend too. So again, if there's got, if there's one guy that's built for it we all know it's me we just is.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of a lot of laughs. Football is upon us. It's close at our conversation. The trail experience is fucking over. It is done. Been shipped off to Dallas, is this arguably the worst draft pick of all time?

Speaker 1:

No, you, marcus Russell, is the worst rapid of all time or Ryan leaf. Ryan leaf, but they didn't trade for him. So, yeah, you might be right, you might be right.

Speaker 3:

They use their pick right. So like they didn't, they were terrible and they took them where they were. But they traded up and gave away three first-round picks for a guy who played in three regular season games for them barely played in college and Three years later gets traded for a fourth round pick. The fucking Dallas, and I'm not with you. Biggest busts of all time. Give me your Marcus Russell, give me Prior. Can be Ryan leaf. There's a hand and give me fuck. Give me Sam Bradford. There's a bunch of the better out there Charlie Fry, charlie Fry, tim Crouch, like there's.

Speaker 1:

Coach, not Charlie Fry.

Speaker 3:

I'm honey Manziel, give me a few, but like to go and do what they did for that guy. It, to me, is the worst use of draft picks of all time. Chaps, I.

Speaker 2:

Thought what you said was wrong and I looked it up and I was correct. They actually did trade up for Ryan leaf. There you go, I'm afraid, of two. They traded their second rounder and that year's draft and their first rounder the next year. So first in a second to To move up one spot. Okay, get Ryan leave. So they did trade for Ryan because I remember I was reading about him like hell weeks ago Because he actually he did some time here in Van City. I don't think he went to jail here, I think he went on to rehab here and he was like working up here for a while. But yeah, they did trade up to get him. So that's, that's not as much though not as much.

Speaker 1:

It was like no, not three for a friender, but I think they moved up more in the draft to but they did absolutely absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but but here's the thing Ryan leaf, when he was at Washington State, started, yeah, pretty much all three seasons, and it was him, or madding like it was consensus him or madding Train Lanz, just kind of came out nowhere like he.

Speaker 3:

Well, he didn't play like he could play meaningful football since, like high school at least, ryan leaf threw for 21 touchdowns in his sophomore season, 33 in his junior season. Like a 161 QBR, like it's not the worst thing in the world, but like if you were to look up and I'm gonna do that right now trade Lanz's college numbers, it is oh, because he just like didn't play, he okay, never mind 28 touchdowns in a sophomore season outside of that that was in three games in his freshman and junior season combined.

Speaker 3:

He played one season, sophomore, where he had a good season and that was it, and he also played for North Dakota State garbage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, he's awful. That's the one, that's one of the worst picks in the in the history of all time, and I love it came for the 49ers and they'll be like, oh, we still got Brock Purdy out of it. It's gonna be like, okay, but he might suck now too, because everyone has fucking tape on him. So like, let's not blow or load over somebody that that actually might suck. All right, guys, I am probably getting sicker by the moment here, so I should probably go. Is there anything that anyone wants to talk about Before we close this thing out? I'm Gucci.

Speaker 3:

Love you.

Speaker 1:

I think his my right back.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, you just kind of you just cut out to like, just as you were giving that all right. This is another edition of the no instruction Z podcast. Maybe our worst glitch is episode better, but we came back with some fire and we will talk to you later. Fuck, I think it's just fuck this music bro.

Speaker 3:

Amazing, amazing.

Speaker 2:

Late Rose.