No Instructions Needed


Side Spritzers
Hey there, fellow conversationalists! Ever wonder what it’s like to rope all your buddies into a weight loss challenge? Or what it takes to shed those last stubborn 10 pounds? Well, we promise to take you along on our own journey of sweat, discipline, occasional treats (yes, we’re looking at you, Starbucks cookies), and the important role that motivation plays in getting us to the finish line. By the way, anyone fancy casting our mate Chaps in a remake of Real Steel?

Switching from barbells to basketballs, we then head into an exhilarating debate about what sport truly demands the pinnacle of skill. Is it the agile footwork of NBA players, the unrivaled stamina of marathon runners, or perhaps the masterful finesse of baseball? You're going to want to stick around to hear our verdict. We also delve into the vast realm of television and streaming, scrutinizing top-rated TV shows, dissecting the rating criteria, and defending our personal favorites that we believe didn’t make the cut. 

Finally, we lighten up and talk about our future plans and what we've been doing over the weekend. We touch on the importance of balancing fun with responsibility, and of course, sharing laughs. We promise to bring you along on our journey of fitness, diet, and entertainment. So put your feet up, join us in this episode, and let’s delve into a lively exchange of ideas, insights, and personal experiences.
Speaker 1:

Money Okay, no instructions needed. I don't really feel like it.

Speaker 2:

Shoot the poop Like your wiener.

Speaker 3:

Aww, let me just get that right in the old camera shot. That's my thought.

Speaker 1:

I'm sipping on some red wine. Primary use for Bitcoin is to get more money.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, the Kugbar, yeah, I'm into that.

Speaker 3:

Hello, hello, got this fucking bomb hardly like I cannot start this at ease and cannot risk it. Look how I go to the bathroom and I'm gonna tip the cat.

Speaker 2:

This is exactly how there is a block running here. Whatever it is, oh god what it do baby.

Speaker 3:

What is up? No instructions needed. Nation.

Speaker 1:

I just put my shirt back on because I was showing the boys my nice big nipple pepperoni slices. And yeah, what's up? Boys, let's go down to Vancouver and see the big D. How's it hanging? Let's go right.

Speaker 2:

Right right now, but apparently you are in Vancouver too, but I don't see us grabbing some noodles, like last time, which you did not like. You did not like them. I liked them a lot. You did not like them, not Chapters Forte, but everything is good to go over here. I was starving. This weight loss challenge sucks. I went to the grocery store and I was like, screw this. I picked myself up a couple treats before.

Speaker 2:

I started this because I can't eat dinner yet. So here we are. I'll be okay, julian, how about F are you today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing fucking great, and part of that is our awesome motivating weight loss journey and just talking shit. And the other part of that is I love getting to see you boys and jealous when I have to hear that you guys are going to be connecting soon. And I know I'm not making the cut just yet, but you know what, soon, I can only say I'd like to by the end of the year. My goal is to somehow, some way connect with you boys, but for now I will take this. Love seeing you boys, love seeing Chaps. Sure, a little bit sad when he does it, when we can't really speak and we're all muted. But you know what? Also a little bit just there. Here we go.

Speaker 3:

Suns out titties out, chaps, not even sucking in, dude, looking fucking sexy. I always mark, and you know chubby people we can unite. You always know the chubbiness begins when the belly starts to hang over the waistband Right. When you're above the waistband, like you're okay, like you're at that size where, like you know, you're healthy looking, you're not there. But when you start to get that little bit of overhang, it's like okay, we got to work on it. Chaps, no overhang. You're looking great, dean, we know you got like a 12 pack in there, and I'm not talking about the Coors lights. Love seeing you boys. How are we feeling? Like we're a couple of weeks in now. We're all at sort of different stages, but how are we feeling? Let me kick it to the man who I think is showing the best Chaps. See how you feeling, brother.

Speaker 1:

How am I feeling? Hmm, um, I hate working out. I hate doing everything. I fucking hate every second of it. I feel, honest to God, and this is, I'm not the best person when it comes to working out and like promoting it. I feel exactly the same. I don't feel any different. I still have the same amount of energy. The only thing I noticed is, yeah, I'm like visibly stronger looking and I can, you know, like when Dean doesn't understand this, but when you have kids, you're always picking up kids and putting them down, so you're always kind of like you're always getting that, that bad arms anyways. So like, yeah, realistically, I don't know the thing that as much as Dean is going to hate this the thing that has done the best for me is the cold tubs. Those cold tubs, man, like they kind of change your fucking attitude. Come on, no man.

Speaker 1:

Like like If you do them in the morning it's way better than doing them at night time. So if you do them in the morning, it's like instant wake up, you're good to go Like you're, you're focused. So I help my feeling. Yeah, don't, don't ultra stress on TV. How you doing Anyways, how are you feeling? Big O, I mean you look good man, you look fucking good For me.

Speaker 3:

When I'm feeling good, it's it's in the face, like where I see the most results would be like when the cheeks suck in just a little bit and they're not looking like I'm smuggling all sorts of fucking sweet, delicious treats in these cheeks. But feeling good. You know I got the energy rolling. You know I've been sort of naturally just kind of busting my ass with the fact that you know it's the summertime and doing a lot of outdoorsy things with the kids. So it's kind of like not working out but like just active due to the conditions.

Speaker 3:

If we did this in the wintertime I feel like I would be at the biggest disadvantage out of all of us. I'm I'm thankful we're doing it right now but you know, just loving the journey we're on this sort of together and how it's kicking my ass and you know my boss said I had a little was looking good today and you know it's take that as a W. So you know, obviously one of the things that we weren't sort of fun stages Dean's kind of not enjoying this as much as what we are. From a standpoint, dean, what are you feeling as we go through this right now? Well, here's my issue issues.

Speaker 2:

I can make it like two or three days of like eating relatively good, and then I'm like, screw this, and I'll go buy a bag of chips or an ice cream. Samuel, I work out every day, or day pretty much every day, the things I need to do. I do not want to do, cardio being one of them. I did. I was so lazy at cardio yesterday I decided, hey, you know, I'd worked out my muscles six days in a row. On the seventh day I'll do an active rest day. And I actually, because I hadn't done any cardio, I went to the gym twice yesterday and cardio twice. So that sucks. I hate that abs. I don't like. Abs doesn't really have to do with weight loss, but you know, if I'm going to get dual as cardio, I might as well get a better abs. And that sucks too. I hate abs. I hate cardio and I don't like like.

Speaker 2:

I usually eat pretty well overall, but I like my treats. I like my treats. You know, if I go to Starbe's, I'm going to get a cookie. If I go to Safeway, I'm going to get some Nanaimo bars. I like my. Or a bag of chips. I'll just destroy that. And I'm able to do it because I Go to the jib a lot. So it's going to take a lot for me to lose this 10 pounds. I've already lost five, but that was kind of just my camping, my camping bloaty weight when I measured in and I'm so I'm down to I've lost the five, but that was already. You know, that was pretty easy. That was just give me game back to normal. These 10 pounds are gonna be hard and I don't know if I can do it and I don't know if I want to do it. But and I agree to do this I am going to try. But, like you know, I go to the gym, I work out for an hour and I'm like, oh, lose two cardio now. Not, I'm out the epic door, I'm going home.

Speaker 1:

Go get the Oculus nuts Fuckers out. Man Like that that's cardio. Man Like that's legit. Like you will be Done after 10 minutes of that like it or it's fun, it's fucking fun.

Speaker 3:

Or get the Oculus or VR Head over to the old purple and sorry black and orange and get cardio another way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just saying you know the hub.

Speaker 3:

The hub is gonna be doing things that maybe.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about porno. Or we talk about mass butroning.

Speaker 3:

I'm talking about you know, he is yes, yeah, I don't know what I thought.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go. Well, I don't More receiving, maybe getting up and getting on to some, but you got to work. You can't be, you can't be a fucking what is it called? A mattress princess or something like that? No, starfish, you got to work it no, I Think, I think like.

Speaker 1:

So I put we Side note. I did get a little tipsy on Saturday nights. I'm gonna drunk a lot more. I don't know if it's a summer thing or just.

Speaker 1:

Yeah probably man. Like I think the start in the winter for me, I like I'm not talking like I got problem or anything, but like usually I drink, like I usually get drunk Six or five to seven times a year like drunk, like I'm drunk, drunk, right, I've got drunk drunk so far like ten times this year alone. So like I'm already like over my limit anyways. So I had the bike come over on, so I might be no cock man, but I had my buddy come over on Saturday and I put him in the old Oculus arena and when I tell you it made me feel really good about my punching technique and like what I look like in there. This motherfucker Came up there, no one being able to see this, but he's punching like rabbit punches like this. He's going like this, like you know, with a rabbit.

Speaker 1:

Punches right and like his wife is there. Like Reese, what are you doing? Like I've seen you throw some haymakers before. He's just like so I get in there and like you know, I just you know, I got the form like I know how to do it now, not so much with my left but definitely with the right. And the white wife, I could hear, is like see, that's what a man's supposed to look like.

Speaker 3:

There we go I was like perfect. Yeah, they don't realize chaps, when putting in the work and like in the lab, right, like this, you ain't no, you ain't no rookie your season then, at this time, at this stage, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man like I. So I took a little bit off because I really screwed up my shoulder, because I literally only chucked right. But the move is jab overhand right, jab overhand right, and that really hurts after about you gotta go southpaw. I do so every now and then you go southpaw, but my job is so strong with my right, so like I look like such a goof.

Speaker 3:

What's our man? What's that movie with, with Hugh Jackman, where he's like the robot, yeah, so like if they? Well, good, cuz we're, I'm gonna use that in a few minutes. What's If Dean? This is for Dean, not for, not so much for chaps. If we're recasting like real steel too and we're going with chaps, is the Hugh Jackman? So I know who. Who's filling the role of the lady from loss? I don't remember her name, but who would we put as the female lead in real steel? To you, and for those of you listening no, obviously not watching chaps has decided he's just gonna bang at 10 push-ups right now. Stay hard, stay hard, buddy. So, dean, who do we want to cast with chaps and real steel to? Is there a sex scene? Oh, the way chaps is going, losing all the weight and looking jacked, of course, like we're going full frontal, like these. Good, show some dick and at the armist.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, I mean wait. No, this should be my wife.

Speaker 2:

Way too excited, I mean Brianne.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, absolutely we're gonna have a real steel to and real Upside-down pineapple. You know what that means.

Speaker 2:

And the armist is a fine dime bristle, as Snoop Dogg would say, and she's also a good actress win-win there we go.

Speaker 1:

Did you see the dark water?

Speaker 2:

Is it the weird one that?

Speaker 1:

a black yeah. So there's a scene where she, like His finger, blaster itself as you look at her hand, and Jackson went off. He was like oh my god, like this is a movie. Like this isn't like Porn out, like this is like that. Yeah, so she's a borderline. Oh, you don't see much like you just kind of hear that Kind of shit, right, and yeah, no, it's Movies kind of shitty, but she's yeah, I was shitting. I much, much appreciate that. That's, that's beautiful.

Speaker 3:

I wonder if there was, if we were able to like track online data of like when a movie was streamed, at what part it was forwarded to and how many times a certain scene would be replayed. I feel like that scene and like the Margot Robbie scene from Wolf of Wall Street, would be like just burning up the replays, like just absolutely like 35 to like 45 seconds. People are only watching that. I'm sure it'd get a high usage rate.

Speaker 2:

I Believe you're correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

All right. So, chaps, talking about how his punching form was significantly better than Reese's, I'm gonna segue to a sports question. I want to know my boy Maybe I'll clip, maybe we'll clip this and put this up on the old tiktok, because that's where my guy is pretty big, my guy gutsy picks cash sports, better sports Conversationist today on tiktok. I decided that he was gonna make a video stating that NBA players are the most skilled players of any major sport, that, whether your player, one through 15, you're basically a walking bucket and in comparison to other sports, no, not as skilled. Many different levels can sort of compete at the same way, but, like NBA far exceeds the most skilled of any sport. And I say to you boys, is that a good take or are we sleeping on some other sports? I want to know your opinion, chaps. Do you agree or do you think differently?

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so tough, right, like they probably are, but then put those motherfuckers on skates Like they can't do half that shit, right, but then at the same time watch a hockey player shoot a basketball. It doesn't like core lay very well, but put a hockey player on the soccer field pretty good. Put a basketball player in a soccer field now, very good. So I like, all in all, I Would say football players are the most most athletic specific no way, no way, no way no, we know wide receivers specifically.

Speaker 1:

I think they could do anything other than hockey. I think I think hockey is pretty underrated because I feel like hockey players actually could do everything. But every time I see hockey player trying to shoot the basketball, I'm talking like any child player like they fucking look like shit, but every other sport they're okay at. So it's between hockey and wide receiver and anathons and no way, no way, no way, no way. Fuck.

Speaker 3:

I did her.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Okay that is a correct take by whoever junkie bets.

Speaker 3:

That's cash.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz like I've read things about like guys playing with, like you know, some bench former from the Phoenix Suns from like 2005, like at like your local Y, and they just like they hit everything they take, like they hit, they don't miss a shot, and Just cuz it's like the love ride right receivers. They just run routes and catch balls, that's it. That is it. Like they are very athletic, but they're good at one thing. You know they don't. It's Football. You have to be very good at one thing.

Speaker 2:

All sports, basketball. If you're, if you're gonna make the league, if you're like a six foot four Something, you gotta be a good dribbling. You gotta be good shooting. You gotta be good at defense, you gotta be able to clap. You have to be at least decent, right like you gotta be fast, you gotta be shifty, you gotta be able to jump. It's as athleticism and skill combined and it's. You can make the same argument for a wide receiver, but it's like pretty one-dimensional. They run routes and they catch it and Then they run fast and and you have your different kinds of receivers. So the ones that I can actually get up and do it, and you got your little ones that can run the hell out of it. Right, but there's like not many are good at both.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right, I like that.

Speaker 2:

Quarterbacks? Absolutely they. They do like in terms of like skill at the position, they have you a drop, a dime and Like double coverage to a guy running that route, like the anticipation and the IQ and stuff like that. That's like off the charts but still one-dimensional. They're gonna tackle somebody. Hell, now it's not gonna look good too.

Speaker 3:

So If we're, if we're, if we're comparing like the elite of, like professional sports, like between, let's say, nfl compared to college football, we'll talk NBA compared to college basketball, hockey compared to like juniors is the worst team in the respective major league, worse than the best team at the lowered level, like is there? Georgia, yes, beats the fucking Houston Texans, now no.

Speaker 1:

No good, It'd be like 40 nothing after the first half.

Speaker 3:

Could the? Well, what was? Who was the worst team in the NBA this year? Houston spurs, sure. So let's go. Houston, could Houston? Would Houston lose to whoever the national champions in NCAA is? No, so the only are.

Speaker 3:

The only argument I could make is like the only sport that that could do that would be baseball. A AAA team could 100% beat the Oakland athletics, and and so. For me, I think, on a certain level, baseball is the Sport that is the most like, requires the most skill, because, similar to basketball, walking bucket number 15 on your roster, going to your local Y is gonna destroy the guy who's on the bench. In baseball, playing at the lower level of the sport can certainly not be, you know, show hey Otani, but is not a fucking scrub. May look like a scrub in comparison to like the Garrett coals and the show hey Otani's of the world, but like skill wise, the only sort of like Reason why guys Don't get called up or aren't I skilled is for financial reasons and not skill reasons.

Speaker 3:

I think baseball, just on a whole other level, is one of the most skilled sports that we have out there. I mean, hockey is a great one too, because again, you're talking about skating on fucking knives. You're talking about playing hard for 30 to 45 seconds. I guess the only like Knock on hockey I would say is like the Matt Reeves of the world, skill wise probably like Not the best serves a right reeds. Brian Reeves, we're the fucking Leaf signer. He was thinking like the.

Speaker 1:

Batman director.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, director, director, you're right at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Man, like any, like I played hockey. I have lots of friends, like probably five friends, maybe more than played in NHL. Some of them suck in NHL. They could just walk on any beardly team and dipsy. Like like, I hate that.

Speaker 1:

I remember people like oh, a guy in the NBA who's like the 20th on the bench could, could fucking kill the YMC. Yeah, like no, fucking shit. Like no shit. He could guess what. He's a professional, fucking athlete. That's what he gets paid for. So, yes, I play against Robert Zachary. I'm sure not, not, and I'm sure none. No one even knows who the fuck that is. He was the 12th guy on the bench or, more nice, probably the 16th, whatever, the last spot is on the bench for the Los Angeles Lakers. That guy wiped the fucking floor with me and I was pretty. I was pretty good at basketball man, like I was. I was a good basketball player. That fucking guy wiped the fucking floor with me over and over and over again.

Speaker 1:

I played against a professional basketball player from fucking. He went to China in the end. His name is Nathan you. I Walked up to him because I was trying to get in this head game. He's better than us. Hey, you're the most overrated fucking Prince George athlete of all fucking time. Guy dropped 54 points on us that fucking game in high school as like a 17 year old. So like that argument pisses me off, and Kelly a little. I played against him to. He was fucking unbelievable. But where Dean is wrong on this whole entire thing, let's just get Refracted this miles Garrett have you seen him fucking play basketball? Have you seen miles Garrett play that?

Speaker 3:

miles Garrett can dunk Dude, he could play ball bad, he could ball like you see him.

Speaker 1:

Well, jay play football. Like what the fuck man?

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, no yeah, he could have made NFL easily, but we haven't seen him play.

Speaker 1:

We haven't seen him play wreck, because you can't play wreck football like that. Doesn't really like Exist. But I've seen miles Garrett play basketball and we're talking about guys of the YMC way. Guess what that guy's fucking Michael Jordan compared to everyone else in the YMC. Okay, here's.

Speaker 2:

Here's. Here's a question for you. Fucking phenomenal athlete has never played either football or basketball in their lives. Yes, what sport are they more inclined to play? Just being a great athlete, being fast, being being strong, being fast. It's football. The answer is football because they can run and hopefully they can catch. If not, maybe they can play like a, like a linebacker and just try to knock out guys head off. Like basketball requires a certain level skill to be in the NBA. It does. I Could be. You could be a great athlete and play football.

Speaker 1:

I just walk on if you're. If you're in Texas, you're gonna play football. If you're in New York, you're gonna play basketball. If you're new LA, you're gonna play basketball here. It depends where you are. In New Mexico, you're playing baseball like I like real, doesn't matter where, just just a person.

Speaker 2:

Just a person a 20.

Speaker 1:

That's bad.

Speaker 2:

I don't wear a uniform you just came from basketball comes from. As well. He has a buddy this point in his life. You know, that's what's easier.

Speaker 1:

They're gonna play basketball. It's easier. Football's demanding and scares people. You're getting pounded now.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm not gonna pound it.

Speaker 1:

All I can say is I played both. I ain't never walked off the court not know where the fuck I was. I can say well, I've forgotten Multiple football games and Julian to your point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the baseball points a good one. Just the only thing about baseball is like LeBron James, on a shitty day still can drop 20 points. A starting pitcher on the Pit are the Alkla athletics. If they're having a shitty day, they're gonna get tuned up, so like that's the only difference. On like baseball, you get punished for having an off day way more than you would in like Basketball or something like that. Like and, and you can hide behind your other teammates to and like basketball, hockey and stuff like that. More to like if you're a pitcher, you're out there alone Just throwing up melon balls, right?

Speaker 2:

If you're a hitter who's having an off day? You're You're just swinging and missing, right. So it's kind of like, yes, with that triple-a team could beat the Oakland athletics 100% 100%, not not best out of seven, though they would know, god, now they could beat them in one game.

Speaker 1:

One out of 10, one out two out of 10. They beat them best of baseball. So because all it takes in baseball is a pitcher gets hot and then it's over. It's kind of the same thing as hockey, but hockey there's physical aspect to it. So triple-a teams never beat the NHL and baseball situational too.

Speaker 2:

Right, like you just have like a weird bounce go off like the third, like it's in with hockey I guess. But like you know if you could have a weird bounce but baseball like one kind of Slightly off play can determine a game, like if your guy Makes a diving catch in foul territories and like bobbles it and drops it, like that could change the outcome of a game hockey is One goal.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, situations are situational and I I mean listen, with a pitcher who like gets a little bit rattled, like that Person's gonna impact the game more than LeBron James having the flute Right, because there's more guys, I guess to, to be able to pick up LeBron. Hey, look at the look at the playoffs. They got the fucking the great white hope and and Matt re, fucking Matt Reeves. Why do you keep fucking saying Matt Reeves, um, the the great white hope, uh, whatever, fucking Reeves his last name is, god damn it, our first name for the Lakers. Like he picked up LeBron, we had.

Speaker 3:

Fucking picked up LeBron James when he wasn't like hitting shit.

Speaker 1:

So I mean the great white hole.

Speaker 3:

I get that, uh, I get that point. For me it's like, at the same time, where a pitcher can be, I guess like rattled, he could also be the guy who throws like the perfect game with like 15 strike. Yes, right, where he's on is on. So I don't. I think all great points Love when we can all get heated in different ways and then tune it right back out when we get to a common, a common goal, which is IMDB just released top 10 tv shows of all time and I'm curious to know, boys, if you can name At least five Between the two of you. I've what. That, I'm gonna be honest, list is a little bit controversial.

Speaker 1:

Just know, I Certainly did not come up with this, but this is something that was released by was it voted on by fans like, is it just taking the top 10 IMDB raking's or is it just their list?

Speaker 2:

because that man is like our way by a Like a writer there so it's written by somebody it's written by IMD.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's IMDB I guess this is gonna be top team. I think we can do it, though I think we can get seven.

Speaker 3:

I think you can get seven.

Speaker 1:

I think the older under number should be six and a half five.

Speaker 2:

How many guesses?

Speaker 3:

do we get 10? I'm gonna give you each three strikes so you get like six. You have the opportunity to get uh six wrong.

Speaker 2:

I spit, spit my hair okay, chaps, I will let you do the honors, because you were mad at me for our lot, my last take.

Speaker 1:

so here's my, my roto redemption. I'm not mad at you, you're just an idiot, um, but uh, I am gonna go first with Ah. See, it kind of threw me off now because it's written. It's not by IMDB Like ratings. I'm gonna say the Sopranos is in the top 10.

Speaker 3:

Sopranos not meet the top 10.

Speaker 1:

All right, and this is gonna be hard. This is gonna be hard, then.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go breaking bad.

Speaker 1:

Number one on the list, that's perfect, perfect, okay, so so we got breaking bad. We've already said the Sopranos, so let's go with uh, another cheers.

Speaker 3:

Cheers not on the list. Oh yeah, two strikes, you're in.

Speaker 2:

Okay, jules, may I go with the office.

Speaker 3:

The office number three on the list.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm way better at this than chaps.

Speaker 1:

You, are you okay? When we first started this list, there was no way Sopranos and cheers were not on it. That is like shocking. I I was. I didn't think cheers when.

Speaker 3:

I read this I certainly thought Sopranos was on this list, shocked that it was not okay Um.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um mad men.

Speaker 3:

I'm not on the list. I'm done.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go for three. Easy, we're going to get seven.

Speaker 3:

I did, you are any of them like limited series. So that's not fair. I'm thinking like multiple season this already sucks without Mad Men.

Speaker 1:

It's yours. I don't really like Mad Men and surprise, I'll be in the top 10. I can tell whoever wrote this is some fucking liberal, fucking moron.

Speaker 2:

I can tell already, fucking tell liberal fucking and is mash on the list.

Speaker 3:

Mash is on the list.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So the one thing I guess I should have preface before this chaps, and this is my bet. I don't know if it would have changed because I don't know what your style of TV show is for this, but there are. It's not all. Live action, I guess, is the best way to say it. Oh then yeah, I would have said the Simpsons. Simpsons was still not a bit on the list, that doesn't fucking matter.

Speaker 1:

I'm fucking over four. With four degrees, I mean all the time Is boardwalk empire on there.

Speaker 2:

Oh, good guess, not on the list. Oh, I've never even seen it, but I know it was reviewed. Well, it's a pretty tight show.

Speaker 3:

Pretty tight show. I like that one. I'm Busemi. The hint I will say is Stay with that studio. Peaky blinders, that's the same studio Was it.

Speaker 2:

Chaps is 0 for five. That's fucking amazing. It's great, the one with the motorcycle gang Sons of anarchy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Not on the list. No, that's FX. Okay, how many have I gotten? One or two?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you have one more yeah one more.

Speaker 2:

Okay, amc, amc, amc, the Rocking.

Speaker 3:

Boardwalk empire was not AMC. Boardwalk empire, boardwalk was not. Yeah, sorry, I said boardwalk, boardwalk empire. Game of Thrones, game of Thrones on the list, sick. Okay, I was probably on the list but I'm tired of this Walking dead.

Speaker 2:

Not on the list, so I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure.

Speaker 3:

So, the ones that we missed, the wire Stable, the last airbender, like, I guess, like a cartoon.

Speaker 2:

Oh anime Anime.

Speaker 3:

Naruto was another one.

Speaker 1:

Like these fucking morons don't have the sopranos on there. But God, this dumb shit.

Speaker 3:

I agree, I agree. There's one more that we didn't get.

Speaker 2:

Let's say one to 10 for me.

Speaker 1:

Is friends on there? Friends was the last one. How the fuck is that on there, oh my?

Speaker 3:

God, so bad. Yeah, so so, uh, breaking Bad was number one. Okay, uh, breaking Bad. Uh, then we go uh Thrones office, the wire. Uh, it goes, naruto, it goes uh what's it called Last airbender avatar, the last airbender. Uh, friends, uh, how many is that Dean?

Speaker 2:

No, no, you kind of broke up in the middle.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, uh, friends goes after that. Yeah, then we have Mashed Mashes there, and then there was two more that I saw on the list there. Uh-oh, my IMD app just closed. Uh, I don't really like this list is fucking.

Speaker 1:

It was interesting. It was interesting. No, it's not, it's garbage. What's the name? Is there a writer?

Speaker 3:

There, I'll, I'll, I'll find it, I'll get you the app Speaking of writers here.

Speaker 1:

she is a fucking moron.

Speaker 3:

Just so aware that non binary human being, anyway. So I actually on on the uh. On the topic of writers, um, how are we feeling about the fact that our fall Is about to look very different than what we expected, with the writer strike and now the actors also striking, because I mean movies we were looking forward to not happening. Uh, filming of TV shows, with fall not happening.

Speaker 3:

You got Sean gun coming out here saying, bitch, better have my money from Gilmore girl residuals. Uh, you got Bob Iger out there saying, listen, we have to increase our profits and we're cutting back on certain things, and you know they should just be happy with with what they have. And obviously they're fighting for things like you know. Uh, streaming residuals, which I think is one of the hardest things, cause a lot of streaming platforms don't release their numbers, especially like Netflix. And then obviously you have the AI coming into the fold and they're afraid that they're going to be replaced. What are we feeling about all this? Do we like a side? Do we, like you know, just get back to doing what you're supposed to be doing? How do we feel right now, dean? How do you feel?

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, the streaming residuals, I think, are something that should be kind of rectified Cause, like you gotta think about this way Whenever, like people think about actors, like they think about like the top 5% tile being paid millions of dollars per movie, blah, blah, blah. However, there are people out there that act just trying to get by in life, just trying to make a buck, right, and a lot of these, like you know a lot of people from the 90s, let's say, from example, like they live off these residuals and they don't last forever, as far as I know, they don't last forever, but like I wanted them need these residuals to, um, to live their lives right. Like I remember one of the chicks from 7th heaven, or one of the ladies, I should say, from 7th heaven, once, uh, what's his nuts got thrown, put away for being a, a pedo. Um, like they stopped running that show, right, and that affected people's income, people's life, because, like that show got some good airplay after the fact, uh, after it was done shooting. And then you know some people they're not big actresses, like Jessica Biel, sure, but like, who has heard of any of the other people from that show? Maybe, like, what's his name? Barry, something, um, still around a little bit, but, like the one girl, the, the second daughter, I think, was just like I need that money and it's gone now because this guy did what he did.

Speaker 2:

So, long story short, it's not about the top 5% tile, it's it's about everyone else. And you know, if these streaming services, which all shows are, most shows are going to these days, you know, like straight to Netflix, straight to prime, whatever, you know, they should get compensated If that show gets watched over and over again. And with the writers, you know it's always been a thing with the writers that they're, they're underpaid. So I don't know what the exact details are regarding the writers. However, what would we have without them? Nothing.

Speaker 3:

I mean that air. I know the big thing with like streaming platforms is like when, when shows air on television, there's a way to be able to track how long shows watch for when I like, what the demographic is like. There's a lot of Tangible information that they can pull, because I believe all that stuff when it goes on the air is public information. The challenges Plays like Netflix and Disney and Hulu and I don't know how many of these places do it other than I know that Netflix does it they don't release any numbers Comedy, special numbers, streaming numbers. The one thing that they'll say is like oh, it's the number one watch show of all time, but they don't say how many people watched, for how long people watched. And that is a negotiation tactic as a private company, because when they're having studios come in and say, hey, we want to do like this Comedy special, we want to do this, that and the other, the moment they give true numbers, they lose the leverage in how much money that you know someone can ask for, right, like, I think, dave Chappelle. Dave Chappelle, I think, is the highest paid Netflix special. He was getting like 15 million dollars. How they quantified that was incredibly hard for a guy like Bert Kreicher, joe Rogan or whatever, because they they don't have anything other than you know. This is kind of our standard for for Success, but they don't tell you how many people actually viewed it, so everything is sort of like in their wheelhouse. I don't, like I said, don't know so much about Disney, don't know so much about Hulu or the other ones, but I know if Netflix is kind of the one leading the charge on, I'm keeping shit private and I think the challenge is like you fed the Netflix beast for so long it's.

Speaker 3:

I don't think a writer strike and an actor strike is gonna change how they do their business. Should they, probably, but they're so big now I don't think they feel the need to cave into that pressure. So, in a perfect world, one of all back at the same time. It's your money. You're fighting for your right to do what you do for a living. All the power to you. The fans are gonna succeed a little bit before chaps gets in here.

Speaker 3:

A Lot of streaming platforms right now that own major Studios are releasing never streamed or, sorry, never live shows before. For instance, paramount Plus, which I believe is like owned by CBS Yellowstone starting in September Coming to TV. So they're going to release season one and they're gonna release all their seasons through the fall slate or whatever. That again, never on TV but will now be available on CBS because they don't have content. Disney is starting to do that with some of their TV shows. They have early releases on some of the movies they were holding back, so People who don't subscribe are gonna benefit a little bit from some of these studios. The people who are truly gonna be losing right now Are the actors and writers who are out of work, which is no way of chaps. What do you feel about this as a big management fella and a big movie guy.

Speaker 1:

So couple things with this. People AI is the single most important thing in the whole entire In in this strike right now, because AI can take all these people's jobs, specifically the extras and the, the minor characters. You just download their face and then you don't even need to be anymore. So that that's the most important thing. But in any in any Negotiation doesn't matter if it's a union or fucking anything really you get the people If you're the loudest about this one thing.

Speaker 1:

So you're like, oh my god, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai or oh my god, we need health benefits, health benefits, health benefits that's the thing. You're willing to give up, that's the thing. So you're like oh my god, ai, ai. There's something down here that you're not, that you're trying to hide and you're distracting everybody to say this is what, we can't have this. But they'll give that up in the heartbeat to keep what's in the bush. So I haven't.

Speaker 1:

I've read the documents because I'm an area. I think that the actors have to be a little bit careful because it can turn pretty quick on them. You know there's a lot of 1% there's out there with picket signs. I truly do not give a flying fuck about anyone in the 99%. So don't kid yourself, they don't care about you. And and the studios are really trying to try to make sure AI does stick around. I mean it's, it's cheaper, it's easier for them to use, they don't have to worry about paying insurance for you know, thousands of actors and I'm dead set against AI. I think it's what will.

Speaker 1:

I honestly think that would be this the destruction of the world is AI in some form in the future. But I Think we're at a weird point right now where I do not trust either side at all. I can't trust the Fran whatever her fucking name is because she's pounding the table, say pay me, pay me, pay me. It's like, shut the fuck up you make. You've made millions and millions of dollars. You could give a fuck about the lower end people. You just want to get more money for the top end people and secure better stuff like that. So let's like, let's be honest, I give fuck about the Bob Iger's. Oh my god, we need to Be what's fair because we're losing millions of dollars. Shut the fuck up. Your salary is like 65 million dollars here.

Speaker 1:

Shut the fuck you have no idea what it's like struggle anymore, what it doesn't matter. We know what I'm saying. I Don't think there's any good guys in this. The people that get hurt the most is not the studio, it's not the top 1%, it's the bottom 99% actors that don't get the residuals, don't have health benefits and all that sort of stuff. So we'll kind of see where the future goes. But I'm not taking sides on it, because the AI Really really scares me and I think that the studios we use that to their advantage way too much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's interesting. I don't. I think that the leverage that the actors have now is that all the actors are stopping doing what they're doing. So for every day that Deadpool doesn't shoot, they're probably losing $200,000 a day for it not to shoot, because they've already procured spots of locations. They're not just gonna hold those spots, they're gonna double up and charge you triple the next time. So it's uh, it's fascinating. I think it ends in a couple weeks and I'm very happy it's happening at the same time, because I'm so sick of all these fucking superhero movies. Everything like, everyone, just like. Let's just Everyone, just chill for a little bit. So that's where I'm at.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I think you're right. The 99% is the one that gets affected the most. However, I don't think there's a scenario where this ends and the 99% benefit because Leo Damon, affleck, robbie Pacino, d'niro, when they sign on for their next movie, they're still getting their 25, 30 million dollars and the writers or Prop hands or whatever are still gonna end up being the bottom of the barrel with a minimal increase. This is, I think this is a lot of posturing and Unfortunately, it's gonna lose a lot of jobs and it's not gonna benefit those that keep their jobs as far as what they're gonna end up losing from the industry. This is gonna result in a loss of set of industry sector in some form or another, because studios are gonna have to Make up the fact that they lost all of this money from not filming and not shooting things, and we all know the only way to be able to to recoup cost is to get rid of people. So it's gonna cost people jobs and I don't know if the benefits gonna be. They're moving forward and that's unfortunate, but this is sort of the like the great reset that the world has to go through and in almost every industry, but there's gonna be a boiling point. Someone's gonna get fucked, people are gonna benefit and unfortunately, we're just gonna do this all again in, like I don't know, 10 to 15 fucking years, and that's the. That's the fucking shitty part, but it is what it is.

Speaker 3:

Boys, how do we feel? I mean we did. We talked movies, we talked TV show. We talk feel good sports. We got into a little bit. Chaps got to show off his pepperoni nipples and his great white tan. Great talked about the great white hope. Did we miss anything on this weekly installment of the podcast?

Speaker 2:

It wasn't very funny.

Speaker 3:

Japs is guessing in. The show is pretty funny. You went over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's kind of funny. Let's try humor next time.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, I know with a joke, you guys ready? Oh boy.

Speaker 3:

That's for humor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, right, Okay. So I will ask who wants to be the jokie.

Speaker 3:

Julie, as opposed, I'll be the jokie.

Speaker 1:

All right, Julian, how you doing today sir.

Speaker 3:

Great chaps. How are you? I'm good.

Speaker 1:

So like why did the chicken cross the road? I?

Speaker 3:

Don't know, chaps, why did the chicken cross the road?

Speaker 1:

Well, he had to. He had to, you know, see the idiot on the other side. So knock, knock who's there? Well, you're the idiot.

Speaker 2:

How Larry is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's, that's way, that's way, that's way. Then this Dean final thoughts this week as you get ready to spend the weekend with your boy, chaps.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'm being chaps up a little bit of a roadie trip on Thursday. I can't wait to see you. I've actually seen a lot of you lately. Well, not a lot of you late. Well, I see a good amount of you. Julian, one day I'll see that face in person. Let's go kiss it all night long oh. I look forward and you know if I ever, if me talking about my plans with chaps ever makes you angry, just tell me to shut up now.

Speaker 3:

Makes me look, motivates me. I look forward to it. Before we kick this off, the chaps boys, be safe. We look forward to the recap of the weekend festivities. Enjoy yourselves, but understand we got a way in coming a couple days after your your boys party, so keep that in mind as we try to hit our goals. Much love, stay safe, love everybody and, chapsie, take us home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I fucked up the joke with terrible person. We'll record some of the stuff I Dean and I are doing nothing sexual.

Speaker 3:

All right, we do do it.

Speaker 1:

We'll do it. Take stock. Love you guys. See you next time, peace.

Speaker 2:

You cities high school.