No Instructions Needed

Shower Time

Chaps & the Big D

Hey there No Instructions Needed Nation! This week, Chapsie Dapsie and I, the Big D, have a hilarious and entertaining chat about everything from cold showers to unconventional lovemaking spots. Have you ever tried taking a cold shower? We discuss the benefits of this chilly experience and have a good laugh about our differing opinions on the matter.

We also dive into the world of DC movies and share our thoughts on why some films just can't live up to the hype. Is the Flash doomed to fail? And what about Michael Keaton's latest flick, American Assassin? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Plus, we analyze the recent NBA Finals and the Denver Nuggets' historic victory, as well as some juicy hockey discussions about the Vancouver Canucks.

Throughout our conversation, we never shy away from sharing personal stories and having a good laugh at ourselves. So sit back, relax, and join us as we navigate through these amusing topics and more!

Speaker 1:

Okay, no instructions needed. I don't really feel like you Shoot the poop Like your wiener. Let me just get that right in the. uh, the old camera shot, That's my thought. I'm sipping on some red wine. Primary use for Bitcoin is to get more money.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, the Cougar, yeah, i'm into that. Hello, that's how I go to the bathroom and I'm gonna tip the tent, that's exactly how there's a block running here. whatever it is, oh god, what it do, baby.

Speaker 1:

What is up? No instructions needed at Nation. Uh, just the big D and Chapsie Dapsie here in our, hopefully being joined by the big O, but he's gone MIA in the last two seconds, So we decided to hit it off without him. So how's it going? big?

Speaker 2:

D. Oh you know, just another day in paradise. I had a bit of a layoff. It was my fault. Actually Had a bit of a weekend last weekend. Many, many alcohols were consumed and I wasn't planning on it to go that way. But here we are. A week delayed Me, a couple beers heavier, but we'll live. We'll live, man. We'll live to find another day. How are you today, daps?

Speaker 1:

Oh, i'm pretty good. I was just watching that intro video. Man, i was a lot fatter back then. No doubt I definitely went through a hefty, hefty Bessie phase there for sure. But it was a good week. Uh, you know, in the Kootenies a little bit drove 2,500K this week. I think That's always fun for the old back and the old body, but you know it's been pretty good. Hit up the pool today, went in the pool. You know it's only 68 degrees in the pool because it's been raining all day up here and that was the little workout. Jumped in the pool and I'm like yo, i feel like a peak Val Kilmer right now. It's going pretty good.

Speaker 2:

It's a little cold plunge for you.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe in that ship? I think that should actually work. So you just think like this is the newest fad like oh my God, you don't even have to work out and you just got to do cold pledges once day and you're going to be perfectly fine, yo, no, i think it's good for, like you know, your joints and your muscles for recovery.

Speaker 2:

Plus, when you're in there, like when you're cold, your body's working a lot more to keep like functioning, so you do burn a good chunk of calories. So, yeah, i don't think I would do it. I think it's cool that are like Oh, take, take a cold showers in the morning, it's way better for you And like I agree that that's could be perfectly true, but I ain't going to take a cold shower in the morning If that. I want to wake up nice and snug and I want to get a little toasty roastie and I want to enjoy my morning, not hate my life.

Speaker 1:

So, honestly, i mean you're going to hate me. I take cold showers all the fucking time, like all the time in the morning and night. I like the cold shower better, 100%. I'm a weird. I'm weird. I get it, we're opposite Transformers, suck, but the the biggest thing is the cold showers. They're fucking awesome. I mean, i think you're, i think you're really really missing out. Man Like just you just got to do it for like three or four days in a row and it will change your life. I still go back to heated. I still heat my showers. Dude, it's all like I'm in there every time like, oh, give me the cold, give me the cold. No, fuck that.

Speaker 2:

I want it, i want it, i want it. The only thing is it's not feel good, it's too cool.

Speaker 1:

It feels great. Yeah, but don't have sex in a cold shower, because that don't, that don't work very well, it's not, it doesn't help.

Speaker 2:

Why aren't you hard? It's so cold.

Speaker 1:

I swear it's not you baby, those look like grapes, or those dry grapes early. What's going on down there, those prunes?

Speaker 2:

I feel tight to your body Down in the plums.

Speaker 1:

If this is your first time listening to this, it doesn't get any better, i promise. Actually, we can agree on something though. Right, we can agree on this. I think you know what I'm going to say. It was in the group chat this week. You say a lot of shit in the group chat. I know I'm the only one that talks in it. I don't get the notifications anymore. I don't know why I?

Speaker 1:

don't understand. I don't know. It's just stopped. I thought he was not doing it. I don't understand. I don't get the notifications anymore. I don't understand. So I just had you know. I just had to go to the gym. I was too busy focusing on jujitsu and how to fix these terminates, so he wins, and they forgot to fucking update messenger. Yeah, zuckerberg is a fucking maniac. Have you heard of what these stores with this guy? No, so he was in a jujitsu tournament a couple weeks ago And he lost in the finals. Okay, waited to the finals, lost in the finals Which is like his gear and then he beat the guy and he took home a first place And they gave him a first place medal and second place medal. He's a maniac man. And then during veterans day in the United States or Memorial Day I think it was Memorial Day recently He's there's a thing called a Murphy. Have you heard the Murphy? I?

Speaker 2:

Heard of a Murphy bed.

Speaker 1:

It's good, murphy beds underrated, but so He, the Murphy, is like this. This famous Marine that died in the United States and Every or his buddies died then every single Memorial Day, this guy would do like this crazy workout. What it is is you run in one mile. Have you heard about this?

Speaker 2:

Are we talking about lone survivor, the movie?

Speaker 1:

It could be, i don't know.

Speaker 1:

I think it is Okay yeah, you run one mile, you do a hundred pull-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 no, 200 sit-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 squats. I might have put the sit-ups in there by accident, but then you run another mile And you do all of that in the 20 pound vest and See how fast you can do it. So that's called the Murph. A lot of people do it to pay a homage to the veterans on Memorial Day. It's a huge thing in the United States. But it was Mark Zuckerberg, he's like. He posted the video on Facebook. He's go. I just completed the Murph with my two kids. I did it in like 20 minutes. My kids did it in 25 minutes. How the fuck do you do that 25 minutes? Oh fuck, it won't right like no way.

Speaker 2:

I Couldn't do it in 20 minutes. I.

Speaker 1:

See, i think I might have even exaggerated it. I did it in in like less time, like maybe 13 minutes or something like that. Like, if it's true, he is the craziest. Oh no, sorry, i over exaggerate. He said he did it in 39 minutes and 58 seconds, which would put him in the top 1% in the world.

Speaker 2:

The guy looks like a bag of milk man. I don't think that's true.

Speaker 1:

No, you know you would. I hear Mark Zuckerberg. What's the first thing you think of? because the first thing I think of is when he's riding that stupid like Sir. I love or yeah, with the, with all the, with all the face cream on his face, where he just looks like a fucking, like a ghost. Have you seen this picture? Yeah, i've seen that's. That's Susie. Say Mark Zuckerberg. That's immediately where I go. I got that guy. If I told you that he was a murderer, you'd believe it. Right, probably, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But what, what? what do I? was I supposed to agree with you on before you went on this?

Speaker 1:

Oh shower sex overrated.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, 100%, 100%. It's always every after like two minutes I'm like all right, let's get out of here. Right, let's just, let's just drench my bed instead.

Speaker 1:

That's better. I mean, you don't dry off, just get in bed.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. That's why it's drenched.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you're in it already. Well, i thought I meant because she was too excited, but like it is, it's just a weird. Like we're big dudes I think that plays a part of it too. A little bit right, like it's, it's. It's a pretty big and I got big shower. You've seen it. Like even there, matt. Like it's, you know, it's just a weird.

Speaker 2:

It's tough, it's just tough. The water in there creates like extra friction and it's like It's kind of like It's just like there's like this extra like laera friction, that it's on a smooth ride. It's like kind of smooth, but like, not like, not as smooth as it should be.

Speaker 1:

You nailed it.

Speaker 2:

And this is like why would I be doing this when I can Go for the the smooth glide in my bed or on the couch or Anywhere, anywhere really standing up?

Speaker 1:

You're 100 correct. Well, like it's again, i'm not gonna complain about I'm not gonna complain about it. It is still a good time, Don't get me wrong. It's better than not doing it. It's, it's, it's, it's it's a completely overrated place to have sex in the pool, in the hot tub. All these places a little overrated in the water in general, just a little overrated.

Speaker 2:

I've never had, i've never done hot tub before.

Speaker 1:

Oh, but cool.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I've done pool either. Wow shower several times absolutely, but Yeah. I wrote dozen times and every time like this sucks, let's get out of here.

Speaker 1:

It's like when you're like when you're 16 17, and like you're having sex in the back of a car. I don't know if you ever did that either. Yeah. I did like it's just you see it in the movies. You're like, oh, it's so hot and you do it. You're like this is like the worst situation. I couldn't imagine a worse situation than this right now.

Speaker 2:

I need to. I need room to do all my acrobatics and whatnot You know, and they're usually like left with a mess in your car, like It's true, i Like these are, and this is all the movies fault.

Speaker 1:

By the way, no, i'm not talking porn movies, because they ruin sex just in general. But true, but like just the movies themselves, you always see them doing it in a shower or doing it in a car, like it's completely. If you're a 17 year old or not 17, or you're a, if you're a, whatever, if you're just new to having sex, do not believe in the movies. Just straight up, use the bed. That's the best place for it. You get all the room you need. You're good to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or like a bathroom salt. No, thank you. No, thank you, i'm good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, hold on here for a second, i think that depends in the situation, like if you are just like hot and heavy, like into each other and you need a place to go. Bathroom stall not the end of the world, it's just not the end of the world.

Speaker 2:

I never said it was, but still that can be a prefer a place where I can Spread out a little bit. You know, roll around true.

Speaker 1:

But I feel like if you're doing it in the hot tub, you had a choice to do it in the bed. If you're doing it, if you're doing it in a shower, you had a choice to do it in the bed. But if you're doing it in the bathroom stall, you didn't have a choice Like, that is where you gots to be. At that, at that exact moment, there is no other place.

Speaker 1:

It's true, man. I mean, i just I can't imagine this scenario where you're just like, oh, i could do it my bed, or I could do it in this, this bathroom stall. It don't make any sense. So, huh, this has been a hot start, hot.

Speaker 2:

Hot takes, hot takes, hot takes. What? What's the chaps attacks for the week? I mean, what are you gonna get? What are you gonna freak out about this week?

Speaker 1:

Well, I did Marvel last week, obviously right.

Speaker 2:

She's even worse.

Speaker 1:

That's the top five fucking moment of the show, sister. It was brilliant. It's brilliant. I think it's actually time to attack, as we've done many times, the whole, everyone involved with the DC Commercial cutting business. Because I haven't seen the flash yet, don't get me wrong, i'm gonna see it. That's probably gonna be awesome, but it's it's not gonna be nowhere near as good as what those trailers make these movies seem like DC has overhyped the flash so bad and I think it's gonna bomb this weekend. I just, i really I just fucking hate them man.

Speaker 2:

Like, why do?

Speaker 1:

they have to make everything look so fucking good. And I know it like I don't. I know I'm gonna go see it. I mean, where's my fucking money? I just it's gonna suck. I'm gonna be so fucking pissed off. I'm like how you made this movie looks so good, james Gunn, so it was the best movie ever. And it's gonna fucking suck and it's really gonna piss me off. It's, it's, it's just not fair. Just make one good movie in the whole universe. Just make one one fucking good movie. And they couldn't fucking do it. I wonder what it first one, but they could first one right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they could make one good fucking movie and they had a chance in Michael fucking And it's just gonna piss me off because I know it's gonna suck.

Speaker 2:

Michael Keaton rules. We all know this. I think we can all agree on that today that Michael Keaton rules, please. I love Michael. I love Michael Keaton. I'm pleased American assassin watch it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's where we go with Michael Keaton movies. American assassin Dylan O'Brien. Michael Keaton. Yeah, we shall see how the film is. I think I'll like it more than what the the critics are saying. But it's not coming in hot, it's not coming in terrible, so that's a. That's a, that's a leg up, that's a step up from what the usual is. However, it's not coming in good, so We'll have to see. I saw them to me, yet I saw them seen spider-verse, yet That's what's slap. I am seeing Transformers tonight, stoked on that, and chaps doesn't like Transformers. I Personally love the Transformers. I Even watched the last one not probably the one before. That was Wahlberg, like a month ago. I don't like this movie is terrible and I just kept watching, you just kept doing it, just kept putting yourself through it. It's so bad and I was like You know what movie suck?

Speaker 1:

that was awesome. Moral combat the new Mortal Kombat. Oh yeah, That sucked terrible movie but completely wicked. I've watched it like four times because it's fun. Even though there actually is no Mortal Kombat, which is just a hilarious fucking. Even though it's a terrible like movie and there's no more combat, you're just like oh, this is, this is pretty wicked.

Speaker 2:

I watched a movie like that the other day was like I'm like I liked it and it was. It was not very good, but I still liked it.

Speaker 1:

Come back to me, i'll figure it out, was it running scared because that's the best bad movie ever made of all no no, i Think.

Speaker 1:

I think that, like again the DC movies and just movies in general, like The rock, that the tomato meter does matter for certain things if it's a 60% movie like the flash, you're gonna feel like it's a 60% good movie like that's how it's gonna feel. Where they get ridiculous is with all the Marvel stuff that's overhyped and the you know anything kind of liberal It. You know that's always overhyped to, but but I feel like if it's a 60% movie, most of the time You're gonna feel like it's a 60% movie. I don't. I think that that that score in the 60s is actually a really good indicator for how you're gonna feel about a movie That's rated with that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, i think I figured. Okay, i was wrong, it was. I've never seen this movie before, but I watched it. Avatar to, oh You might, i liked it.

Speaker 1:

Let's do this. Okay, go ahead, let the big these like you on avatar to go Okay.

Speaker 2:

So here's what I did. All right, and since I did watch avatar to, I will say I watched avatar one after Okay, so wrong order.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so have you seen Avatar, the first Avatar before.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. But and I was just I was just gonna get that before you really interrupt me, i'm sorry. I have seen Avatar, but I haven't seen it in like 10 years. Okay, so like I knew enough, i remembered enough, obviously, but like there's still a lot of crap I didn't remember. So I was coming in pretty fresh, no expectations, and although, yes, it is extremely similar to the first movie, very much similar Like the last hour was Pier Axione baby And I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I just I, because I watched the first like hour 45 or 45 minutes hour one night and I went to bed Now I was gonna watch another 45 minutes hour the second night and I was like hell, no, i gotta finish this shit. Man Just about to pop off, i said, and I watched the whole thing and stayed up a bit later than I should have, maybe, uh, oh, and and watched it and I liked it. man, it was action at the end, the whole way around and and there's a few like kind of cliffhangers coming like what's, what's the deal with that chick like why does she have these super powers? So, yeah, i liked it and nothing you can say will change my mind. Chaps, i await your rebuttal.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the first hour and 45 minutes. Hour and a half that movie were complete. Another dog shit, fucking terrible. Okay, like I don't give a shit that you had a family of four, two were adopted, one has power. I get you gotta like build up that whole mystique and shit like that and kind of catch everyone up with where the blue people are at this. At this point I get it, but that shouldn't take an hour and fucking 40 minutes. Like what the fuck are you doing, james Cameron? We don't, like we don't need a three and a half hour movie about blue people to talk to fucking whales. That would be okay.

Speaker 1:

When they started talking to the whales, this fucking close to turned off, i'm like this, i actually did. I think I did turn it off right there, turned it off. So fuck that. And I went to sleep and then the next night I finished it. So I will say this once they got to the whale, should the killing of the whale stuff. Once they started killing the whales, that movie picked up tenfold. As soon as that started happening, i'm like, oh, oh, we got to the movie now we got to move.

Speaker 2:

Hey, now you're an off-dive.

Speaker 1:

Hey, hey, hey. And then you notice that coincides perfectly for when they stopped talking to the goddamn whales too. So, like, whales start getting killed and I'm like, oh okay, we got a villain, we got the main villain back. We got a new greedy villain that wants to get died or brain juice.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, we have the whole crew back from the original Marines, from the first one. We got this spider kid. Who's a? this little white dude that's running around trying to I don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy very confused with his role in the whole terrifying movie And, like the other player with this little fucking spider moron, like, okay, how are you that guy's kid? that didn't make any fucking sense. That guy didn't have a kid. The first fucking movie he wasn't banging anyone in the first movie yeah, but that didn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

That's just. That was just stupid. James Cameron's like oh, i think I need a kid. Okay, let's sure we'll do it like this. Like that was fucking stupid.

Speaker 2:

And in Sigourney Weaver like had like a Jesus Earth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah like like someone raped Sigourney Weaver's fucking avatar and gave birth to this, to this new avatar chick. That didn't make any fucking sense either. Like what the hell is going on here? like, yeah, i didn't even think about that. Tell you guys what we said. That's literally Jesus, baby. That is Jesus. That's gonna be the savior, this whole fucking thing. But the last hour of 45 minutes, hour 30, it's slapped hard. It like a real, real, really slapped hard. I will never watch that first hour and a half again, never in a fucking million years. Fast forward, baby. It's like Top Gun the new Top Gun great movie. But all you need is the last 45 minutes when they're flying the planes around. That's all you needed that fucking movie.

Speaker 2:

When he was talking to the whales. I'm like wait, how does he understand what he's saying?

Speaker 1:

Fucking, do it sign language with these goddamn whales?

Speaker 2:

How do the whales understand the sky language and how do they understand it when the whales don't sign back?

Speaker 1:

How's like? how are they talking? It's like the whale goes whoo, like you can't, like you can't do anything with his fins or anything.

Speaker 2:

Does that mean the whale become a monkey?

Speaker 1:

I don't know it just fucking so stupid. That would have made more sense probably than the fucking just talking through each other's brains. This is how stupid it is. They had to talk. The one guy had to sign to the fucking whale, but the whale could put put his thoughts in the fucking other guy's head. That didn't make any fucking sense.

Speaker 2:

It's just so stupid, so fucking stupid. Hey, i liked it, man I was like avatar's back. baby, let's go?

Speaker 1:

Yo, yo, i would. I would watch the last hour and a half again like a hundred percent would. but just if this next one, if they're talking to like leopards or something fucking stupid like that, like I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. but I think I haven't mapped out. I think I know how it's all gonna go. I think that's the last movie. it's somehow gonna get to the last movie. I don't have it all mapped out.

Speaker 1:

I have the last battle scene worked out Spider versus the youngest blue kid. I think that's what's gonna happen. I think spider is gonna turn heel, he's gonna become a bad guy and the youngest blue kid, after Jake solid eyes, is fighting spider for the fate of that Pandora. Thank you, i think that's what's gonna happen. I think it sets up. It kind of sets up pretty perfectly for that and somehow the Jesus chick is gonna be the fucking savior of everybody, guaranteed That's obviously Jesus is that lady. so that's how it's gonna end and that fight will be pretty dope. And one last thing I'm not gonna lie pretty emotional these days since I had my third kid. I almost cried when that little fucking blue sun died. It was fucking close. It was close and not at the part when he died, when they go back into the tree to see him as a kid and like that's their.

Speaker 2:

That's the part that got me.

Speaker 1:

I'm like oh my god, and that's another thing. These trees have memories. Like that doesn't make any fun. So all the trees are just a bunch of cameras. So you can just like oh yeah, i know, big hit or big dub, right, but anyways, yeah, so like it just didn't you know, i will give it three out of five. That's what I'm giving it Three out of five. I give Ant-Man zero point point. Five out five.

Speaker 2:

You know, when I got a bit misty eyed this week When When they're interviewing Jamal Murray after they won the championship. Ooh because he was crying and you know he had a, he had a tough go at things for a couple years and he was, he was all. And then I was like, oh, that gets me right in the feels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was cool to see. You know why this team is so cool to see, man. It's the first team since I can think of, since the Spurs really Actually the only only the Spurs really of our lifetime. That wasn't a super team, that wasn't like this. This team is built through the fucking draft and that is they add. It's like Caldwell, pope and a couple nice pieces. But all these other teams, none of them are built through the draft. And it's super cool to see a team, in the NBA specifically, i'm talking That was built, that was built through the draft, made a couple good acquisitions at trade deadlines, buy out zone, all that sort of stuff and dominate. They're going to dominate for the next five years if they keep this thing going.

Speaker 2:

So you're, are you discounting the Raptors because they got Kawhi?

Speaker 1:

No, i forgot. I did forget about the Raptors. I, honestly. But the Raptors it's tough for me because that's my team, so I was going to be. It didn't matter if that was a super team. You know that's my team.

Speaker 2:

They weren't a super team at all, like the Raptors didn't have one player. That was a lottery pick on that team.

Speaker 1:

No, but they didn't build through the draft either. That team? Well, they didn't. I mean Lowry Gasol, i guess Siakam for sure, and Barnes, but no, no. Barnes was on the team. Van Fleet I said Barnes, i didn't mean to say Barnes, siakam and Van Fleet. Og, og was in the finals.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he didn't play in the finals. No, he played in the finals.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but like the are the like the Nuggets trade for Aaron Gordon.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but that's one trade. the rest of that team is like built man, like that. I'm just saying like the Raptors include that list, but it wasn't the Lakers when they got LeBron, it wasn't the Heat, it wasn't the the. I guess Golden State, you know, you forget Golden State's kind of built too right? Yeah Well, they had Kevin though.

Speaker 2:

Well, when they got.

Speaker 1:

Kevin, those were bought.

Speaker 2:

That was. That was not done the right way.

Speaker 1:

Craziest stat about them, about the Nuggets winning. It's the first time since 1979 a team outside of Texas or California has won the NBA championship, coming from the West.

Speaker 2:

That's fucking wild. La, golden State, dallas, dallas, yeah, portland, oregon, phoenix, no.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i guess, so That's weird. That's fucking wild, right, that's weird. The last team, the Celtic, the.

Speaker 2:

Super Sonics 1970.

Speaker 1:

The crazy stat for you You're a wild child. Some would say I'm brilliant, some would say I'm not that brilliant.

Speaker 1:

I may go on the side of brilliant. I truthfully am No. it was good. It was cool to see a superstar like Yolkic win MVP too. He's kind of a little bit like Kwi. You get that sense with him a little bit. Both those guys are just so humble. They're literally said after. They're like when's the praise? It's Thursday. Someone said do you know when the parade is? He's like no, i don't know. When is parade Thursday. He's like no, i got to go home.

Speaker 2:

I have to go home. He wants to ride his horses, bro.

Speaker 1:

He's so awesome. He's the best player in the NBA. He is.

Speaker 2:

He's like he didn't even care when they won. He's like so stoic. He's just like I did it.

Speaker 1:

I get the ring and can provide horses And Serbia.

Speaker 2:

The most happy he looked is when he dragged.

Speaker 1:

Jamal Murray into the pool. Have you not seen that? No, he drags Jamal Murray into the rehab pool. He both gets, he drags them in there and throws them into the pool. That's pretty cool With his brothers, with his Jack brothers, he's like I did it With his brothers, with his Jack brothers.

Speaker 1:

His Moffioso brothers. Yeah, No, it was just. Jokic doesn't need help. I don't think right, That guy's like seven foot one, two, 90. I think he's okay, He's a big boy. He's a big boy, Yeah, he's just different man. I hope that this. I hope that people start seeing him play more. I think out west here we see him quite a bit because nuggets are on TV quite a bit out here, But like no one talks about him. Partially because he's white too. That's part of it too, Because everyone you know it's just part of the NBA. You're either going to hear way too much bomb or nothing about him. That's the two ways it goes for him. And also because he plays in Denver. Like no one gives a shit about Denver.

Speaker 2:

Ever. Well, yeah, they'd had never played the finals before this year, let alone. What a ship. And they've been around for a while 47 years, man. So, yeah, it was a. I enjoyed the game. I think it was a very cool match. Could have gone either way, but at the end of the day, man like Denver was just better. They were a better team. And then I thought we might be getting a Tyler have a well appearance. But I guess he just didn't play. Actually, i don't know if he played or not, but I'm pretty sure he did play.

Speaker 1:

They might have been a tactic.

Speaker 2:

They never he did play Tyler.

Speaker 1:

The hero did play Me, Yeah, Something like that. Or maybe it was the East finals, No, I think it was. I think it was in the finals. I'm pretty sure he played in the finals Game three maybe.

Speaker 2:

No, it was only dressed for game four.

Speaker 1:

No, maybe it was just game four then, but uh, not. The NBA finals, then the NHL finals both sucked Like they both. They weren't very good. It was just the two best teams in both leagues dominated two eight seats Like there was no chance. I mean Golden Knights, legitimately great team, like fucking solid team. Nuggets, legitimately solid team. So congratulations to those two franchises. Good job First time.

Speaker 2:

Well, the panther was after was like everyone was actually like really hurt. Kachak had a broken sternum, i think shoulder was all banged up and messed up any of these surgeries. The thing about the hockey playoffs is a lot of these guys like hanging by a thread or just like like hurt badly and are just souped up with painkillers for the day and then probably don't practice and like rest for two days and go back at it. So like that's. the thing about hockey is like that 110 game hockey season, like that's gonna that's gonna beat you up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

How the fuck did the kachuk play with a broken sternum? like how the fuck does that even happen? he scored in that game too. Like that doesn't. That doesn't compute in my head. Like I broke a ribbon hockey once. I'm like I couldn't like fucking breathe.

Speaker 2:

Like I could breathe papa, i need to go to the hospital, papa.

Speaker 1:

No, my dad's equipped being a pussy and put me back in. But broken rip or broken broken fucking sternum like that. Is that pretty sure the stroke is pretty dainty, like that's part you don't want to break, like that's not a good one to break.

Speaker 2:

No, he's gonna need some time, that's gonna. That's when I remember Gilbert Brulee Yes, man, and he broke his sternum, like in his like 10th hockey game, nhl, and he, like you know, didn't pan out the way people thought he would, but, yeah, like he broke it right away and kind of went down the injury path from there. This is wild man.

Speaker 1:

Hockey players are different beasts, no doubt. Hide everything, you don't know anything. You shit on your favorite players to find out he has his leg amputated in the second game and he's just been playing on a false leg. The rest of the fucking playoffs like it's. Ryan Kessler is a really good example of this. Actually played in games. He tore something in his hip in game five of the NH, of the of the Western Conference finals when the connection Stanley Cup final and then he played obviously right through till game six or game seven in the Stanley Cup files. He didn't play another game until three quarters of the way through the next year. He was yeah, that's fucking like. How do you do that? like it's insane.

Speaker 2:

All right, i think it was, i think it was Doug wait. Oh, when Carolina won the cup and like they gave it to him and he like could barely lift it over his head because like one of his shoulders is so f'd up, like he couldn't even lift it over his head And he's like what's the question mark to play, and he's just like I'm going to play, don't.

Speaker 1:

Dougie wait, the all time pitcher, one of the best pitchers in NHL history. Like him trying him lifting the cup, and you can see it's like this right, you like you can't. He got to the one side all the way up, but you can't get the other side all the way up. It's that is an all time, all time, all time pitcher, like the bed that's right up there. You know was another good pitcher from that Stanley Cup. Rob Brindemore grabbed the cup where he like he's just so jacked up to grab it and he's pumping it like 40 times. He's like crying great that that cup celebration had some bangers from it.

Speaker 2:

Man, that's a juicy banger, that Carolina squad, i tells you that was good team.

Speaker 1:

Eric Ward, cam Ward, you had whatever happened to hit he just he played his whole career, i think, there and just kind of phased out near the end. He's been gone a couple years now. You're retired for a couple years. Brindemore, doug, weight, mark, recce, eric, stall, like that team was fucking pretty loaded man was recce on. I think recce was on it. Now I can't remember. Anyways, great squad any who is great team man. There we go.

Speaker 2:

Doug Dougie, wait, i remember. I'm looking up and looking up the stats right now oh yeah, best season 104 points with the oiler of a dime yes, more of a dime man than anything you know, a big dime guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 100% very very to make player to play against, like he was super annoying. So on that team you had Eric Stahl, justin Williams, corey Stilman, rob. Mr Game 7, Eric Cole Or? this, is this the right team? Is this the team that wants to go? Yeah, this 506. Yeah, Eric Cole. Ray Whitney, Brett Hedekin.

Speaker 2:

Oh man for the knock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah man. Aaron Ward, Craig Adams was pretty good. Doug Wait, Mike Commodore sucked. Yeah, actually, he's super annoying. He's got to shut the fuck up. Oh, he's super fucking annoying. Andrew Ladd was on that team. I would have been a young lad, Holy shit. Glenn Wesley, if you don't remember him, he was pretty good. Joseph Vasik was pretty good. Mark Recky was on it, Cam Ward, Martin Gerber You remember Gerber? Oh my God. Keith Acoyne, This team was loaded. This was a loaded, loaded team, A lot of. If there's any younger people this is, they have no idea who the fuck we're talking about. But there are some ba-ba-ba-bangers on that team. Like there's probably what? four Hall of Famers, five Hall of Famers on that team.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy. So you can't more, man, he didn't. he played up to like four years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he, just he, just you know, he just called her quit. He had a good career. Well, last couple of years are kind of crappy, but he, he carved out a nice little, nice little run man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the two years last year it seemed like he was like either like goalie one A, one B or just straight up backup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, redeem for a ball that was on that team too.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, Going down the rabbit hole here, Dap.

Speaker 1:

That's just crazy. I didn't realize they were that good. Like I knew, i'm gonna count them. Eric Stahl, hall of Famer probably. Justin Williams No, no, but he was a legend. Corey Stillman no. Rob Bredimer Hall of Famer. So there's two Yes, uh. Doug Wait, i don't know if he's in the hall or not. Borderline Hall of Famer, though. Uh. Mark Recky Hall of Famer Yes. Tom Ward I don't know how many wins he occurred in his career, but he'd be a borderline probably Hall of Famer too. Yeah, that's crazy. Good team man. I bet you Justin Williams does make the Hall of Fame by the way, i don't think that's that You don't think so?

Speaker 1:

I hope not, but he's the biggest hockey guy in the world.

Speaker 2:

I just know he was good in Game 7 and that's about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he only had. He didn't even have a thousand points, but he won. He won three Stanley Cups. A Con Smythe, you know that's pretty good. How about?

Speaker 2:

our guy Phillip Kessel when in his third cup. It's amazing.

Speaker 1:

It's absolutely amazing.

Speaker 2:

Phillip Kessel. He's probably all favorite too, He actually would be very close, I'd say Oh, he's had a couple of four-digit seasons.

Speaker 1:

I think he's been at All-Star a bunch of times. Iron Man Yeah, He's going to the Hall of Fame for sure. Three times Stanley Cup fucking winner. Phil the Thrill, fucking Kessel The hot dog meeting maniac from Massachusetts. Oh, Wisconsin.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they had a lot of guys on that team Petrol Angel won a second, martinez won his third, quick won his third. They had a lot of Stanley Cup experience in depth.

Speaker 1:

Here's a good here's a boardliner Who Phil Kessel be bored.

Speaker 2:

So this is more localized to our local hockey squad, nice. But how much money with the news that the Cucks are buying out over at the Larson, how much money does that fucking team like just throw in the garbage every year? Like they're still paying Travis Green. They're still paying what's his nuts, the guy acted on Brucey. They're still paying their like between their three coaches. They're paying them $6 million a year. They're going to pay what's his nuts OEL an average of like $3 million over the next eight years They're paying. Like this isn't their fault per se, but Furland, i think they just stopped paying. Like they're paying little wongo. I think up until like this year They still might be. Like that team just throws money in the garbage. If I was the Aquilini's I'd be like stop getting all these shitty players and making me pay them for doing nothing for the next like six years. Like it's so, like I doesn't like matter because it's not my money, but like when you actually think about how much money they're just throwing in the garbage every year, it's absolutely insane.

Speaker 1:

So I don't talk negative Canucks very often. I think there's too much of it in this local market and people are getting paid to be super negative. But they throw away more money than any team in the NHL. And now Aquilini's are the fucking problem. They're the ones, the reason why everything's getting thrown in the fucking in the garbage.

Speaker 1:

Let's just start with the newest regime. Let's just start there. They hire Jim Rutherford after they hired Bruce Bruggeau. You don't want to do that. You hire a GM. Hire the GM, slash president first and allow him to hire the next coach. Because, rick talk, it would have been in there a lot fucking sooner.

Speaker 1:

That's the first mistake. Travis Green needed to get fired. Fucking, useless, terrible, fucking head coach. He is all these Vancouver people that say he's good It's just because he's a nice guy, he's fine. But look, he hasn't had a job since he left Vancouver And all you guys told me he would last a fucking week. So calm the fuck down. But they throw the money away with him. They throw the money away with Boudreau, with Jim Benning, who got a contract extension the off season. He got fucking fired Like. Now. Let's go to the player side of it.

Speaker 1:

Recently the new management's done pretty good, but they needed cap room. They were getting fucked. Oel was the biggest thing they could do to get rid of cap room or to get cap room. They tried to trade them and nothing worked. So They have such a big mess to clean up the gym, bending left behind like such a big mess. You got the OEL. You have Tyler Myers. You have Connor Garland again Vancouver media told me he was good Boss because they're so negative on everything and like they praise that that he was gonna be amazing. He's not. He's okay. Connor Garland, brock Besser, who's over it? but that was this regime too. They're kind of hands-on there, but it's just that they have nothing, man, nothing to show for it. Like I don't think they're that far away from being good, but I think this move in the end will be a good move. It's just, yeah, eight, eight years of of this Obatros, of a terrible contract, when you could have been out of it before.

Speaker 2:

Like at least they were able to give up. Like you know, louie Eriksen and those other terrible contracts, i do get OEL, but they just delayed the inevitable of having to pay these guys or pay Someone to f off right like OEL was never that great. He came in hot. The Vancouver media told me he was good too, though he had a down year, but he should be good in Vancouver. No, he was terrible. But yeah, i'm looking at the cap friendly.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, tan man Pearson, i think, was a service old player. I don't know if you ever play again. Tucker, tucker cool man, as I call him, or a Tucker cool man is this is his legal name is like Overpaid when they were like desperate to have defensemen and now he's probably like Concussed to all you know what. So it's just like I had and they're just paying all these people to not play And it's just like I don't care at the end of the day. But it just like boggles my mind that, like you know, the NHL is not, they don't have the money of like an MLB or NFL or NBA, like they don't bring in as much revenue here And you know, most owners in major sports don't turn a profit.

Speaker 2:

I don't think. It's more like a tax write-off kind of thing. However, it's just like throwing buddy, that's all. It's like man. How many guys are they paying not to be here? It just like blows my mind when I think about it, because I do know that they Stash all these guys on long term in the reserve and though the cap is X, they're probably paying like 15 million bucks all year on top of that for guys to f off. And in hockey, that's a lot of keys, that's a lot of cheddar cheese doggy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, it's. Yeah, it's just it's a mess and you know what. I think that your point is well taken. With the all, or with the Louie Erickson stuff, the thing is, had they just said fuck it and allowed all those guys to play on their team that year, they know that it would have been done after one year. So, like that was a huge mistake. That was the. The Oliver Ackman Larson trade was the biggest mistake of the last 10 years when it comes to To the Vancouver Canucks and it's gonna take when they're eight to pay it off. So, like it's, it's, it's not, not a key, not a good situation.

Speaker 2:

No, and the only like there was real the only winner of that trade was Phoenix and it wasn't because they got some like good young Gohars and we're. They got the draft pick, whatever, and see how he turns out. I forget who it was, but yeah, like the only winner was Phoenix, not having to pay him Mm-hmm, or Arizona. I should say yeah, mullet arena.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we went there, we did, didn't even sell out, but But yeah, no, that that trade, just that's gonna live in infamy and it sucks. I think they can get around that. The cops gonna go up because it's not for the, the angels both to get paid again. So it's just there's gonna be two years that really suck. The other like two million dollars that come off of it Shouldn't be too bad because they shouldn't have any air biots in those years. But when it's, when it's the four and a half million, four and a half million for back back years or three years or whatever That's, that's gonna hurt. That's the one that's. What year? was that? 2021, i guess that trade, yeah, something like that.

Speaker 2:

So Well, there you go, owen power. Dylan Gunther.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's him Again, like if we all did, if he, if he was, if he was a four or five million dollar a year player, then that trade would have been so bad. But the problem is he just he wasn't, so he was like it wasn't that He did. He did okay for a little bit. Then he he had a good little run there for bit. So Anyways, I think we should probably think about getting out of here. What are you doing this weekend? You're gonna go watch Transformers Transformers robots in disguise flash tomorrow?

Speaker 2:

Not man, i wish that's. that's been too much popcorn for old Dean.

Speaker 1:

All right, i might do extraction two tonight.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, i'll probably wash it over the course of the weekend. I'm debating if I should watch extraction one again or not.

Speaker 1:

Is this a prequel? because?

Speaker 2:

like no, it's a sequel, he's alive baby.

Speaker 1:

But he got shot like 450 times at the end of the first movie. His store bro, it doesn't matter, but he's not. He's not though, he's just a guy, he's just a normal human, this one, he's.

Speaker 2:

With a hammer peace.